Lisa, please go to the study and me that book.[ ]
A. take
B. pass
C. fetch
D. carry
N名学生的成绩已在主函数中放入一个带头节点的链表结构中,h指向链表的头节点。请编写函数fun(),它的功能是:找出学生的最低分,由函数值返回。 注意:部分源程序给出如下。 请勿改动主函数main和其他函数中的任何内容,仅在函数fun的花括号中填入所编写的若干语句。 试题程序: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define N 8 struct slist double s; struct slist *next; ; tyPedef struct slist STREC; double fun(STREC *h) STREC * Creat (double *s) STREC *h,*p,*q; int i=0; h=p=STREC*)malloc(sizeof(STREC)); p->S=0; while(i<N) /*产生8个节点的链表,各分数存入链表中*/ q=(STREC*) malloc(sizeOf(STREC));p->S=S[i]; i++; p->next=q; p=q; p->next=NULL; return h; /*返回链表的首地址*/ outlist(STREC *h) STREC *p; p=h; printf("head"); do printf("->%2.of ",p->s);p=p->next; /*输/出各分数*/ while(p!=NULL); printf("\n\n "); main() double s[N]=56,89,76,95,91,68,75, 85,min; STREC *h; h=creat(s); outlist(h); min=fun(h); printf("min=%6.If\n ",min);
With the help of modern technology, ships are able to receive automated broadcast of safety messages(). day or at night
B.almost round the clock
C.somewhat and sometime
D.from sunrise to sunset