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某高校赵教授2014年取得部分收入项目如下: (1)1日从学校取得的收入包括基本工资3200元,教授津贴6000元,因公出差取得差旅费津贴420元,按照所在省人民政府规定的比例提取并缴付的“五险一金”1455元。 (2)5月10日因担任另一高校博士论文答辩取得答辩费5000元,同日晚上为学校作一场学术报告取得收入3000元。 (3)自1月1日起将自有面积为120平方米的住房按市场价格出租给李某居住,每月租金5500元,租期为1年,全年租金收入66000元。其中7月份因墙面开裂发生维修费用3200元,取得装修公司出具的正式发票。 (4)7月取得国债利息收入1850元,一年期定期储蓄存款利息收入375元,某上市公司发行的企业债利息收入1000元。 (5)8月份因持有两年前购买的某上市公司股票13000股,取得该公司年中股票分红所得2600元。 附:工资薪金所得个人所得税税率表。

 根据以上资料,计算回答下列问题,每问需计算出合计数。 要求:






Less education, income linked to obesity in women, not men

Women who are better educated and live in households that are middle-income or above are less likely to be obese than women who are less educated and live in the lowest income households, new government research shows.
Among men, there is not a statistically significant (26) in obesity based on income and very (27) difference based on education, the data show.
(28) , about one in three U.S. adults-almost 73 million people-are obese, which is (29) 30 or more pounds over a (30) weight. Extra weight raises the (31) of diabetes, heart disease, some types of cancer and other (32) .
"There is a relationship between obesity and income, but it’s not a (33) story," says Cynthia Ogden, an epidemiologist with the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"When looking at these two (34) of socioeconomic status-income and education-their (35) is greater on women than men," she says.
Jennifer Lovejoy, president of the Obesity Society, says that (36) -income women may be more likely to become obese because of environmental (37) such as lack of access to safe places to do physical activity and easy access to fast food.
Among the findings:
·29% of women who live in households with an annual income of $77,000 or more for a family of four are obese in opposition (38) 42% of women who live in households with an annual income below $29,000 for a family of four.
·23% of women with a college degree are obese, significantly less than the 42% of women with (39) than a high school education.
·33% of men who live in households with an annual income of $77,000 or more for a family of four are obese, (40) 29% of men who live in households with an annual income below $29,000 for a family of four are obese. This difference is not considered statistically (41) .
The analysis is based on (42) from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which is considered the gold (43) for evaluating obesity because it is a(an) (44) survey of people whose weight and height are actually (45) rather than being self-reported.

A. funny B. simpleC. real D. long