问题 单项选择题

An issue that many corporate executives ignore is the possibility that aggressive people seek reinforcement for their own destructive acts. Television violence, for instance, and the widespread public concern accompanying it have led to calls for strict controls on the depiction of violent programs.

In their decision making, some producers do not take responsibility for the equally important minority. Instead, they may gear their content toward the masses, who crave sexually explicit and violent action. Fortunately, this group has the ability to disseminate violent action rationally, realizing that in reality, people who commit acts of violence have to compensate for their actions by taking full responsibility for the harm they cause to others.

Not everyone can distinguish fact from fantasy. Studies show that in one week of content analysis of prime-time output on seven New York City channels, there were 3, 421 acts and threats of violence observed. Children’s fictional entertainment programs had three times the frequency of violent acts or threats recorded in adult programs.

Similarly, aggressive adults are seeking reinforcement for their own anti-social behavior from seeing attractive television characters behave in the same way. Behavioral evidence has indicated that the anti-social effects of violent television portrayals are pest and are most likely to occur among individuals who are already aggressive. The ethical question is, should television submit to mass appeal or take into consideration the effects on certain members of society, including children The consequences of televising violence are not only harmful to some viewers but concurrently affect the television stations in the form of loss of viewers and possibly gaining a bad reputation. Even though many associations have been condemning television violence, their efforts have had little effect on the large money-making corporations.

In his article, " Sex and Violence " , Joe Saltzman states, " If, as producers argue, violence is a part of the human condition, then so is responsibility. In real life, you just do not commit mayhem and then go on to the next scene. "

It is also necessary to realize that violence is part of our nature and of our life. Almost every day we are participants and observers of violence, whether it is natural violence, theatrical or fictional violence, sporting event violence, or political violence. To exclude all scenes of violence form television would be to falsify the picture of life. Television media can " encourage or aid " destructive behavior, not " cause " it. We hope that the decision makers will promote p moral, ethical values in their decision making or at least consider them, in order to help prevent our violent self-destructive behavior.

The " mayhem " Joe Saltzman’s mentioned refers to()

A. responsibility

B.disorder and confusion

C. violent crime

D. embarrassment




词义题;首先寻找mayhem这个考点词在原文的位置,其实词汇题考查生僻词对我们考生是大有裨益的,首先可以排除背景知识的干扰,其次可以更加快速地完成定位的过程,我们在第五段的最后一句话中可以找到这样的信息,“In real life,you just do not commit mayhem and then go on to the next scene”,从这个句子要表达的“在现实生活中,你不可以做了______,然后就一走了之了”的意思来看,对比4个选项,A表示“责任”,B表示“无序混乱”;C表示“暴力活动”;D表示“尴尬”,从上下文的搭配程度,结合文章讨论的主题,以及我们对commit表示的commit a crime之类的表达的认识,这里最恰当的答案就是“暴力活动”了,考生也可以从前面一句话的主语中去寻找答案,也可以对应到violence上来。


某甲纠集某乙、某丙、某丁等人,在某农贸市场附近设立了一个储运公司。某甲的储运公司雇了30余名"保安员",规定这些人员必须绝对服从公司老板。如有背叛行为尤其是向警察告密者,必予严惩。某甲要求该农贸市场的经营者进货、出货业务必须交由该储运公司办理,并收取高额的费用。对于不服从这一规矩的商户,轻则将店铺砸毁,重则伤人。某经营户因为将一笔运输业务给其他公司办理,甲某指使公司保安将其双腿敲断,从此无人再敢犯"规矩"。某甲的储运公司,还向众多客户收取"保护费",每月此项收入高达5万元。对于不按期交纳保护费的人,某甲即派人将其店铺捣毁。某甲赚取高额利润后,又投资娱乐业。开有桑拿、舞厅多间,其中,有多达40名"小姐"大肆进行卖淫活动。还备有轮盘机、老虎机等赌具,供顾客赌博使用,从中渔利。其歌厅的新招收来的"小姐"A某,不愿从事卖淫活动。甲某认为A某需要"调教"指使乙某将A某强 * * ,迫使A某就范,从事卖淫活动。H某因在赌场赌博欠其10万元赌债不还。甲某指使数人将H某绑到公司关押,向其索要赌债,并要H某的父母代其H某还债,如不还债,每天吊打 H某一顿,竟将其活活打死。甲某自知作恶多端,为了避免公安机关的打击,给管区的派出所所长B某每月5千元的好处费。同时还给该市的一位副市长送去10万元,请其多多关照。该派出所所长因为收取了甲某的好处费,虽然明知甲某的所作所为,但不采取任何行动予以制止,反而将群众的举报信压下不予处理。后来,上级司法机关得到群众举报,开始对甲某公司的违法犯罪行为进行调查追究。甲某得知公安机关找到C某录取证词后,便指使其律师L某用重金收买C某在法庭上作证。甲某的律师给C某10万元,指使 C某证明甲某与该公司的违法犯罪行为无关,均由乙某所为。因为C某的证词,使甲某逃避法律的制裁。甲某从拘留所出来后,还指使他人将对其作出不利证词的D某打伤。关于甲某指使其律师L某用重金收买C某在法庭上作证一事( )



