问题 选择题













4、完善(隋唐):①三省六部制,(隋文帝时创立,唐太宗时完善)三省长官相当于宰相,相互牵制和制约,避免宰相的专权,又一定程度上牵制君主专制,是专制主义中央集权制度的进一步完善。②科举制,(隋文帝采用分科考试的方式选拔官吏,隋炀帝时建立进士科,科举制形成,唐太宗时增加考试科目,武则天时首创武举和殿试,唐玄宗提高科举考试的地位,使门第不高的有才能的人参加到 * * 中来,扩大了统治阶级的基础。

5、加强(北宋):集中军权,设枢密院、行更戍法;集中行 * * ,分割宰相权,派文官担任地主高官,并设通判与之相牵制。集中财 * * 和司法权,设转运使,集中财权;由中央派文官任地方司法官吏,集中司法权。发展科举制(严格程序;完善方法;增加名额)






I still remember the last time when two of my children and I went to the playground. It had rained during the night and the playground was very muddy (泥泞的). They had just put on clean clothes, so I was a little worried about the pools of water on the playground. It was not long before Kathy got her beautiful skirt dirty on the playground. She dug through the rocks. I was about to blame her for getting her clothes dirty when she ran towards me with a smile on her face. When she got to me, she handed me a little heart-shaped rock and said, “Here Mom! Here is a heart for you-just because I love you! Keep it!” with tears in my eyes, I thanked her.

Should I blame her for getting her clothes muddy? No way! I still have that little heart-shaped rock. It is one of the best gifts that I have ever received. I realize that many times it is not necessary for us adults to worry about the small things our children do. Let them do what they’d like to.

I will spend a lot more time on the playground with my children. I’m sure I will learn a lot from the children. It reminds me of some years ago when my grandfather told me, “You would not enter the kingdom (王国) of happiness until you pretended (假装) to be a small child.”

小题1:The writer was deeply moved by her daughter’s ____________.

A.digging task on the playground

B.love of the muddy playground

C.special way to show her love

D.smile on her face when running小题2:From Paragraph 2, we can learn that the writer thought parents should _________.

A.allow kids to do whatever they like

B.keep the presents given by children

C.not give too much care to their own children

D.not worry about the small things their children do小题3:In the last paragraph, Grandpa’s words imply (暗示) that _____________.

A.children may find happiness easily in life

B.children care more about happiness than adults do

C.adults cannot share children’s happiness

D.adults should pretend to be a child