将一个函数声明为一个类的友元函数必须使用关键字 【8】 。
解析: 友元的定义。
如图所示为生活中常用的热水瓶,其外壁采用镀银的双层玻璃,并将中间抽成真空,这是为了减少 _______ .注入一定量的热水后,立即盖上软木塞,软木塞会跳起来.这一过程中瓶内气体的 _______ 能转化为软木塞的机械能.汽油机的 _______ 冲程也发生同样的能量转化.
Which of the following signs and symptoms is classic for a patient with rheumatoid arthritis()
A. Joint swelling, joint stiffness in the morning, and bilateral joint involvement.
B. Crepitus, development of Heberden’s nodes, and anemia.
C. Pain on weight-bearing, rash, and low-grade fever.
D. Fatigue, leukopenia, and joint pain.