For an activity,the optimistic,most likely and pessimistic estimates are 12,16 and 18 respectively.Which of the following statement is correct ?()
A.There is 68.26% chance that the activity will be completed in 15 to 17 day
B.There is 95.44% chance that the activity will be completed in 15 to 17 day
C.There is 68.26% chance that the activity will be completed in 14.67 to 16.67 day
D.There is 93.73% chance that the activity will be completed in 15 to 17 day
某个活动,最乐观的估算是12;最可能估算是16;最悲观估算是18。下列哪个说法是正确的 A) 有68.26%的概率,活动将在15~17天之内完成。 B) 有95.44%的概率,活动将在15~17天之内完成。 C) 有68.26%的概率,活动将在14.67~16.67天之内完成。 D) 有93.73%的概率,活动将在15~17天之内完成。 该活动平均估算值是15.67;标准差是(18-12)/6=1;14.67到16.67之间正好左右各一个标准差。概率为68.26%。