问题 单项选择题

Which of the following statements regarding whistle blowing are not true ?()

A.It is a term used to define an employee's decision to disclose information on unethical,immoral or illegal actions at work to an authority figur

B.An employee should always discuss the matter with people external to the company before following the“chain of command”and discuss it with the immediate superio

C.The consequences of whistle blowing are often extreme and include possible being branded as having bad judgment,firing,civil action and imprisonmen

D.Carefully considered whistle blowing can lead to the end of unethical business practice




下列哪项关于“揭发(自报家丑)”的说法是不正确的 A) 这个词定义了雇员决定去揭露所在公司的不道德的、邪恶的或违法的工作。 B) 在遵循“命令链”和直接上级讨论之前,员工应该总是和外部人讨论公司的问题。 C) “揭发”的后果通常是极端的,包括可能被打上错误判断的烙印,解雇以及民事诉讼和监禁。 D) 仔细考虑“揭发”可以使不道德的商业实践逐步消失。 当所在企业或项目出现问题时,首先应该和直接上级交流,没有得到重视和解决之后再考虑极端措施。
