问题 判断题

纳税人在年度中间发生解散、破产、撤销情形的,应在清算前报告主管税务机关,办理当期企业所得税汇算清缴;纳税人有其他情形依法终止纳税义务的,应当在停止生产、经营之日起90日内,向主管税务机关办理当期所得税汇算清缴。( )



解析: 纳税人在年度中间发生解散、破产、撤销情形的,应在清算前报告主管税务机关,办理当期企业所得税汇算清缴;纳税人有其他情形依法终止纳税义务的,应当在停止生产、经营之日起60日内,向主管税务机关办理当期所得税汇算清缴。


Free energy is everywhere around us. There are many ways to make and collect energy from various sources like sun, wind and water. People also realize that everyday stuff can be a source of energy too. For example, riding a bike, running or just walking, etc. We simply have to change our way of thinking if we want to change the world.

So comes the idea of solar roadways. Are they the road of future? Why use roads just for driving and collecting tolls (过路费)? Why don’t we use them for collecting energy?

The US Department of Transportation recently awarded $100,000 to Solar Roadways to build the first ever Solar Road Panel. So how do these future roads work?

The Solar Road Panels will contain embedded (嵌入的) LEDs which “paint” the road lines from beneath to provide safer nighttime driving as well as to give drivers instant instructions such as detour (绕行) ahead. The road will be able to sense wildlife on the road and can warn drivers to “slow down”. There will also be embedded heating elements in the surface to prevent snow and ice buildup, providing safer winter driving.

Replacing asphalt (沥青) roads and parking lots with Solar Roadway Panels will be a major step toward stopping climate change. Fully electric vehicles will be able to recharge along the roadway and in parking lots, finally making electric cars practical for long trips.

We just can’t wait to see more of these roads all over the world in the near future.

小题1:The first paragraph serves as a(n)______.




D.background小题2:Which of the following is NOT true of LEDs?

A.They color the road lines.

B.They are embedded in the Solar Road Panels.

C.They are beneficial for nighttime driving.

D.They can provide instant instructions.小题3: When some animals are on the solar road, what will the road do?

A.Guide them to a safer place.

B.Remind drivers to drive slowly.

C.Frighten them away from the road.

D.Advise drivers to choose another way.小题4: From the text, we can know that the Solar Road Panels can______.

A.provide heat for drivers in winter

B.guide drivers who get lost on the highway

C.melt snow and ice soon in winter

D.help drivers see the road clearly in the sun