问题 单项选择题

关于软件开发的描述中,错误的是( )。







解析: 文档是软件开发、使用维护中必备的资料,它能提高软件开发的效率、保证软件的质量,而且在软件的使用过程中有指导、帮助、解惑的作用,尤其在维护工作中,文档是不可或缺的资料。软件的生命周期包括计划、开发和运行3个阶段,在开发初期分为需求分析、总体设计和详细设计3个子阶段,在开发后期分为编码和测试两个子阶段。


A good translator is by definition bilingual. The opposite is not ______(1) true, however. A born and bred bilingual will still need two__________(2) to become a translator: first, the skills and experience necessary for__________(3); second, knowledge of the field in which he or she will__________(4). The skills and experience for translation include the ability to write ______(5) in the target language, the ability to read and understand the_________(6) language material thoroughly, and the ability to work with the latest__________(7) and communication hardware and software.Does a born and bred bilingual__________(8) a better translator than someone who learned language B later in__________(9) There is no definite answer, but the following issues are important.__________(10), a born and bred bilingual often suffers from not truly knowing __________(11) language well enough to translate, with some even suffering from what __________(12) known as a lingualism, a state in which a person lacks_________(13) full, fluent command of any language. Second, born and bred bilinguals__________(14) don’’t know the culture of the target language well enough to_________(15) top-quality translations, or cannot recognize what aspects of the source language__________(16) its culture need to be treated with particular care, as they_________(17) in a sense too close to the language. And last, they often_________(18) the analytical linguistic skills to work through a sticky text.On_________(19) other hand, the acquired bilingual may not have the same in-depth _________(20) of colloquialisms, slang, and dialect that the born bilingual has. Also, the acquired bilingual will not be able to translate as readily in both directions (from B to language A and A to language B). Finally, born bilinguals often have a greater appreciation of the subtleties and nuances of both their languages than someone who learns their B language later in life can ever hope to have.