问题 问答题

某甲是某私营电器厂(不具有法人资格)的副厂长,1988年4月因为犯诈骗罪被判处有期徒刑9年,1993年11月12日假释。假释考验期至1997年2月6日。1995年下半年,甲某为骗取贷款,比照银行印章的样式,伪造了农业银行某办事处的储蓄章和行政章,并套取整存整取存单的样本,印制大量空白存单。然后制作2份金额各为100万元的假存单,并持该假存单到某信用社以电器厂的名义要求抵押贷款,从某信用社开出2份抵押证明,盖上私刻的有关印章,以此假存单和抵押证明从银行,骗取贷款200万元。此后,甲某又以同样的方式先后14次骗取贷款 1200余万元。贷款大多用于偿还电器厂的贷款。案发前,归还银行贷款200余万元。案发后,追回赃款和财物价值600余万元,尚有近500万元无法追回。请回答下列问题:







For middle school students in China, it's really easy to spend money.There are so___1__ things,such as the latest clothes, video games, expensive handbags.

The habit of spending money like most bad habits, is ___2____ to break. When I was a middle school student, I __3___ lots of money on things. I _4__ I was very cool at that time. But now I feel very sorry because I ___5__ so much money.

When something is the latest and greatest, you want it at once because it’s new and you don’t want to wait ___6__ it’s old. The __7___ is that the latest things usually cost a lot of money. But once you own the things, they go out of fashion very__8__. How many things do you have in your bedroom? How often do you __9__ them?

The expensive things are not the coolest ones at all. It’s not necessary __10____ them.

小题1:A. little       B. much           C. many

小题2:A. easy         B. good           C. hard

小题3:A. cost        B.spent           C. took

小题4:A. realized     B. thought         C. wondered

小题5:A. wasted       B. saved           C. paid

小题6:A. as          B. before         C. till

小题7:A. reason       B. happiness       C. problem

小题8:A. quickly      B.difficultly      C. slowly

小题9:A. watch       B. use            C. move

小题10:A. to buy      B. buy             C.buying
