问题 不定项选择

A以航次租船合同从B处租得货轮一条,租约的滞期费条款规定船舶到达目的港美国 P港外锚地即可递交"准备就绪通知书"(NOR),卸货时间三天。其后,A分别与C、D签订航次租船合同,将C的水泥、D的麻袋由英国运往美国P港。两份租船合同滞期费条款均规定:船到 P港外锚地即可递交NOR,卸货时间三天。在装载货物时,水泥被装在底舱,麻袋装于水泥之上。在合同约定期限内,船舶抵达P港外锚地,船长分别向C、D递交了NOR。C、D均未按时接货。三天后船舶驶入港口,D将麻袋卸下,但C仍未接货,由于泊位紧张,船舶被迫驶出港口在外锚地等待。10天后,船再驶入港口,C在三天内将水泥卸下。   下列关于C、D承担滞期费的说法中,不正确的是______。









Bluce Lee was born in San Francisco. He appeared in his first movie with his father when he was only 2 months old. Bruce and his parents returned to their home in Hong Kong in 1941. And Bruce Lee began his life-long interest in the Chinese Kung Fu. He studied with Yip Man, a Kung Fu master. Bruce was also often seen in many street fights. So his parents sent him back to the United States. He became a student at the University of Washington in Seattle. Later he opened a school to teach Kung Fu in Oakland, California.

In 1966, Bruce Lee acted in an American television series(系列) called The Green Hornet. The program was not a success, but many Hollywood movie actors began studying Kong Fu with him. He appeared in several other television programs.

Bruce Lee returned to Hong Kong in 1971 to act in a Chinese movie known in the United States as Fists of Fury. The movie was very popular in Asia. Another film, The Chinese Connection, followed it. In 1973. Bruce Lee made his the most famous movie Enter the Dragon. It became a major hit which made Bruce Lee a world famous movie star.

Bruce Lee died a few weeks before the movie was put on. He was 32 years old then. It's said that his early death ended what would have been a very successful movie career.

小题1: What was Bruce Lee interested in all his life?




D.Films小题2: Please put the following movies in order according to their time.

a. Enter the Dragon     b. Fists of Fury          c. The Chinese Connection

A.b, c, a

B.b, a, c

C.a, c, b

D.a, b, c小题3: According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A.Bruce Lee set up a Kung Fu school while he was studying in Seattle.

B.The movie Fists of Fury made Bruce Lee famous in the world.

C.Bruce Lee was only two months old when we first saw him in a movie.

D.Bruce Lee was sent back to America because of fighting often in the school.小题4:The phrase a major hit in the passage means                    .




