问题 材料题


       材料一 1871年明治政府设立文部省,随后派人到欧美考察教育。考察团回国后,明治政府决定推行全民教育政策,逐渐在全国建立小学、中学、大学和工业、农业、商业等实业学校及师范学校、业余学校等,重点普及小学教育,搞好师范教育。创办东京大学,设立法、理、文、医等学部,成为当时输入近代科学,培养造就科学技术人员的中心。为学习欧美科技,还高薪聘请外籍教师。

       材料二 明治政府各部门中,文部省经费开支最多,政府逐步加大对教育经费的拨款,不惜重金建设学校。

       材料三 明治维新以来,日本人办技术教育,目的很明确……使国民掌握近代科学技术,以使在实业、技术、生产和贸易上同地球上的各国展开竞争,这是 “同国家富强、国家命运攸关的事情”。材料四 自从明治维新的近代教育改革以来,在日本近代教育制度确立的过程中,产生了军国主义教育这一世界近现代教育史上罕见的痛症。日本军国主义教育,产生于明治维新这一资产阶级改革运动的不彻底性,尤其是明治维新后建立的近代天皇制 * * 的反动性。












When you have a cold, a headache, a cough, or you can’ go to sleep, who are you going to ask for help ? Perhaps your answer is to go to the doctor for help, or to get some medicine from the drugstore. Another idea is to ask your grandparents to get some simple ways to solve these problems. Here are some good ways to feel better from some old people.

If you have a cold, you should eat hot chicken soup. Some people drink hot water, juice or milk.

If you have a headache, you may put some ice or a cold cloth(布) on your head, or cool your face with cold water. It’s also a good idea to put your hands into hot water for several minutes. Also, you shouldn’t read anything or watch TV.

If you have a cough, you may drink hot water or eat some honey.

If you can’t get to sleep, you may drink a glass of warm milk. It’s also a good idea to take a bath.

小题1: If you have a cold, you can eat hot chicken soup, drink ________, juice or milk.

A. hot water                   B. cold water                 C. wine

小题2: If you have a headache, you can leave your hands in hot water for _______ .

A. several hours                B. a few minutes            

C. a little minutes

小题3:If you have a cough, it’s a good idea for you to drink hot water or eat ________ .

A. some vegetables             B. some fruit                  C. some honey

小题4: If you can’t get to sleep, _________ can help you.

A. taking a warm bath           B. running                    C. drinking water

小题5:What is the best title of the article ?

A. How to keep healthy ?         B. You should keep healthy.

C. Simple ways for health problems.

问答题 简答题