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参考答案:儿童肥胖的问题与诸多环境因素成正比,比如:杂货店相对于家的位置。不良饮食习惯和缺乏体 育锻炼是本市发生肥胖症的两大元凶,而这两点也恰是最可预防的死亡原因。女性患肥胖疾病 的概率是25%,高于男性的19%。患有糖尿病和高血压的市民更容易肥胖而非体重正常。每天 吃5种以上水果或蔬菜的市民不容易肥胖或患糖尿病。高中年龄的男生肥胖比率是19%,高于 同年龄段女生肥胖比率16%。

The problem of childhood obesity is proportional to a number of environmental factors, such as the location of a grocery store relative to a home. Poor diet and physical inactivity are the two major contributors to obesity in this city, and the most preventable causes of death. Women are more likely to be obese than men, 25 percent versus 19 percent. Residents with diabetes and hypertension are more likely to be obese than to be of normal weight. Residents who eat five or more fruits or vegetables daily are less likely to be overweight or obese. High-school-age boys are more likely to be obese, at 19 percent, than their female counterparts, nearly 16 percent of whom are obese.
