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Passage 1



Global beef consumption this year is forecast to be level with 1998 levels. However, China’s beef consumption during this period will jump almost a million tons, or roughly equal to total current beef consumption in Canada. Some projections predict that given current rates of growth in beef consumption, and an ability to largely meet demand from domestic production, the size of China’s beef industry could approach that of the US--the world’s largest producer--within several decades.
Although China is by far the largest red meat producer in the world, it has yet to fully flex its muscles in international markets. Total Chinese pork trade--both imports and exports--accounted for less than 2 percent of consumption in 2002. On the beef side, trade is negligible. However, despite the fact that China’s trade is "thin", the sheer size of the market makes even this small trade large. Including byproduct re-exported from Hong Kong, and measured on a volume basis, China already stands as one of the top five global pork importers.
