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在中国,信仰伊斯兰教的有10个民族,2000多万人口。他们都是中 * * 大家庭的重要成员,他们的宗教信仰、文化传统和生活习俗受到了充分尊重。目前在中国城乡,有35000多座清真寺。在中国任何的一个城市,都可以找到清真餐厅。像上海这样国际化的大都市,专门为保障清真食品的供应立了法。在民间生活中,不管工厂、学校和机关,只要有穆斯林,就开清真灶;连朋友聚会,只要其中有一位是穆斯林,大家都自觉用清真餐。中国政府制定了一系列政策,扶持少数民族和民族地区的经济、文化和社会发展。信仰伊斯兰教的民族,同其他各个民族和睦相处,共同推动了国家发展和社会进步。


参考答案:Civilizations can be different, but no civilization is superior to others. Each civilization embodies the common vision and common aspirations of mankind shaped in the course of development and progress. The Chinese civilization has long advocated the great ideas that "Harmony is most valuable," "Seek harmony in diversity" and "Do not do unto others what you would not have others do unto you." Similarly, the Islamic civilization values peace and calls for tolerance. The Koran contains more than A00 references to peace. We should build consensus and seek harmony in a world of diversity and push forward development through exchanges. This is the approach all mankind should embrace in advancing civilization.
Speaking of respecting diversity of civilizations, we must recognize that diversity of civilizations is largely reflected in ethnic and religious diversity. China is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country, It is made up of EF ethnic groups. The indigenous Taoism has long existed in harmony with Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, religions introduced from the outside. It is the basic policy of the Chinese government to implement and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy, ensure equality among all ethnic groups and speed up the economic and social development of minority ethnic groups and areas inhabited by these groups. It is also our policy to ensure freedom of religious belief and bring into play the positive role of religious personages and religious believers in promoting economic and social development.
In China, more than B0 million people from A0 ethnic groups believe in Islam. They are all important members of the big family of the Chinese nation, and their religious belief, cultural tradition and way of life are fully respected. There are over CE,000 mosques in cities and the countryside across China. You can find Muslim restaurants in any Chinese city. In an international metropolis like Shanghai, there is local legislation ensuring the supply of Muslim food. You will also find that in factories, schools and government offices in China, Muslim cuisine is available wherever there are Muslims. If you attend a get-together among friends, those present will all choose to have Muslim food even if only one of them is a Muslim. The Chinese government has adopted a range of policies to support economic, cultural and social development of minority ethnic groups and areas. Ethnic groups who believe in Islam have lived in amity with other ethnic groups and jointly promoted national development and social progress.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, China and Arab countries have always sympathized with and supported each other. In the AIE0s, a number of Arab countries overcame various interferences and made the courageous decision to establish diplomatic relations with China. In the AIG0s, Arab countries and other friendly developing countries gave strong support and made persistent effort in helping restore New China’s lawful seat in the United Nations. On our part, the Chinese government and people have shown full understanding for the just cause of Arab countries to seek lawful national rights and your aspirations for development. We have given you strong political and moral support and provided assistance within the realm of our capabilities. Many Chinese engineers and construction workers gave their precious lives for the development of Arab countries and were laid to rest in the Arab land.
The BAst century is the century of economic globalization. It is also one marked by great progress of diverse civilizations. China, with its A.C billion people, and the Arab world, with its several hundred million people, both shoulder the sacred mission of renewing our centuries-old civilizations. Looking back at the last B00 years, we have missed far too many opportunities. We have A00 reasons, even A,000 reasons to strengthen cooperation and speed up development with renewed vigor and vitality, so that we can catch up with the changing times. We have no reason whatsoever to dither or hesitate. All political leaders who have a sense of responsibility towards their countries and peoples and all entrepreneurs and other members of the society who cherish high ideals and aspirations should have a keen awareness of the responsibility that history has placed on them. Let us join hands and take the friendly cooperation between China and Arab countries to a new level!

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