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关于《住宅共用部位共用设施设备维修基金管理办法》,下列说法正确的是( )。




解析: 为保障住房售后的维修管理,维护住房产权人和使用人的共同利益,原建设部、财政部于1998年11月印发了《住宅共用部位共用设施设备维修基金管理办法》,该办法规定:凡商品住房和公有住房出售后都应当建立住宅共用部位共用设施设备维修基金,专项用于保修期满后的大修、更新和改造。为了保证维修基金的安全,该办法规定维修基金应当专户存储、专款专用,严禁挪作他用。同时,还详细规定维修基金的缴交、代管和监管等方面的内容。


THE Little Mermaid, a fairy tale by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen is well known. It tells of a young mermaid who falls in love with a prince. She wants to be with the prince so she gives her tongue to a witch, who gives her legs for her fish tail. But the story has an unhappy ending. The little mermaid never gets to be with the prince.

At the Denmark Pavilion(展馆)at Shanghai Expo 2010, visitors will have a chance to meet the little mermaid. How so? In the form of the famous statue from Copenhagen.

Petersen Niels Lund Petersen, a designer of the pavilion said the idea was to find something for the Chinese and the Danish to share.

The brewer(酿酒商)Carl Jacobsen of Carlsberg gave the statue to the city of Copenhagen in 1913. The work of Edvard Erichsen, the statue, is one of the most well-loved in Denmark. About 75 percent of all tourists who visit the Danish capital go to see the Little Mermaid.

Visitors to the pavilion will find the Little Mermaid in the water from Copenhagen’s harbor---just as she is in her home city. Two decades ago the harbor was filthy with pollution from factories. Today it is so clean that local people will sometimes take a swim in it. Visitors to the pavilion will be able to take off their socks and shoes and dip their toes in the water.

The pavilion will give visitors a sense of life in a modern Danish city. They can ride a bicycle in a Danish bicycle path, visit a park on the roof and have an organic picnic there, China Daily reports.

60. The statue of the Little Mermaid will be at Shanghai Expo 2010 because        .

A. it was created by famous author Hans Christian Andersen

B. the fairy tale of the Little Mermaid is part of the Chinese school course

C. the Danish government thinks it can introduce people to the history of the country

D. the designer of the Denmark Pavilion believes it will be something that the Chinese and the Danish can share

61. The underlined word “filthy” probably means      .

A. dirty   B. clean   C. undeveloped      D. well-known

62. At the Denmark Pavilion, visitors will be able to do all of the following EXCEPT____.

A. enjoy an organic picnic

B. ride a bicycle along a Danish bicycle path

C. see a film called The Little Mermaid

D. dip their toes in the water by the little mermaid statue

63. With the pavilion, Denmark wants to       .

A. show off the modern life there

B. recommend its bicycle and food industry

C. remind visitors to live an environmentally friendly life

D. attract people to swim in the water from Copenhagen’s harbor