问题 问答题

某公司2006年末的长期资本结构为:股本1000万元(每股面值2元),资本公积 4000万元,盈余公积400万元,未分配利润500万元,合计5900万元。2006年公司的息税前利润为1800万元,利息为200万元,预计明年息税前利润将上升5%。公司当前的股票价格为8.4元。公司希望募集4400万元的资金,现有两个融资方案,方案一为发行800万张的认股权证,每张将获得1股认股权,认购价格为5.5元。方案二是申请长期借款,年利率为10%,如果选用方案二,估计一年后市盈率将下降20%。假设所得税率为30%。 要求: (1) 计算该公司2006年年末的每股净资产; (2) 计算方案一中的认股权证理论价值; (3) 根据市盈率计算方案二在一年后的股票价格; (4) 计算方案二的财务杠杆系数; (5) 计算方案一中的认股权证在行权后与方案二的每股收益无差别点; (6) 根据每股收益无差别点,确定应该选择哪个筹资方案。



(1) 普通股股数=股本/每股面值=1000/2=500(万股) 每股净资产=5900/500=11.8(元/股) (2) 认股权证理论价值=Max[(8.4-5.5)×1.0]=2.9(元) (3) 2006年的每股收益=(1800-200)×(1-30%)/500=2.24(元/股) 2006年年末的市盈率=8.4/2.24=3.75 一年后的每股收益:[1800×(1+5%)-200-4400×10%]×(1-30%)/500 =1.75(元/股) 一年后的市盈率=3.75×(1-20%)=3 一年后的股票价格=1.75×3=5.25(元/股) (4) 方案二的财务杠杆系数=1800×(1+5%)/[1800×(1+5%)-200-4400×10%] =1.51

 解得EBIT=915(万元) (6) 由于明年的息税前利润1800×(1+5%)=1890(万元)高于每股收益无差别点的息税前利润(915万元),所以,应该选择负债筹资方式,即选择方案二。


Information systems design is defined as those tasks that focus on the specification of a detailed computer-based solution. Typically, there are four systems design tasks for in-house development.

1) The first task is to specify (71) ,which defines the technologies to be used by one, more, or all information systems in terms of their data, processes, interfaces, and network components. This task is accomplished by analyzing the data models and process models that are initially created during requirements analys16.

2) The next systems design task is to develop the (72) . The purpose of this task is to prepare technical design specifications for a database that will be adaptable to future requirements and expansion.

3) Once the database prototype has been built, the systems designer can work closely with system users to develop input, output and dialogue specifications. The (73) must be specified to ensure that the outputs are not lost, misrouted, misused, or incomplete.

4) The fourth design task involves packaging all the specifications from the previous design tasks into a set of specifications that will guide the (74) activities during the following phases of the systems development methodology.

Finally, we should (75) and update the project plan accordingly. The key deliverable should include a detailed plan for the construction phase that should follow.


A.adjust the project schedule

B.reevaluate project feasibility

C.evaluate vendor proposals

D.select the best vendor proposal
