问题 单项选择题

可以用p.a的形式访问派生类对象p的基类成员a,其中a是( )。







解析:只有公有继承的公有成员才能被派生类的对象直接访问,其他的 情况都会因为访问权限问题产生错误。

     There are different   1   of animals in the zoo. They don't have to   2   food by themselves. We can see the
zoo keepers give them food to   3  . They just eat, walk and sleep   4   day. So many of us may think that the
animals there are   5   and lucky. But most of them are sad. Why? They're no   6   free! Animals like elephants,
monkeys and tigers usually live freely and happily in forests or mountains. Tigers, for   7  , run, jump, play with
their children and catch small animals for food. But now they have to stay in small room in the zoo. Their life in
the zoo is quite   8   from their life in the forests. Now many of us think more animals should go   9   to forests
and mountains so  10  the earth will become better.
( )1. A. a kind of  
( )2. A. to find    
( )3. A. dance      
( )4. A. week       
( )5. A. pleasure   
( )6. A. some       
( )7. A. more       
( )8. A. better     
( )9. A. back       
( )10. A. when      
B. a kind      
B. finding 
B. sing      
B. all       
B. sorry       
B. a       
B. example     
B. different        
B. to          
B. that    
C. kind         
C. find   
C. eat      
C. whole    
C. sad         
C. any      
C. as         
C. same    
C. where         
C. then   

D. kinds         
D. finds      
D. play         
D. everyday              
D. happy         
D. longer     
D. such          
D. like       
D. there       
D. now      
