问题 单项选择题

刑事处罚包括( )两种。







解析: 刑事责任的承担方式是刑事处罚。刑事处罚有两种:①主刑,包括管制、拘役、有期徒刑、无期徒刑和死刑。②附加刑,包括罚金、没收财产和剥夺政治权利。



        Country Festival Date & Traditional Customs Japan Adults Day is on the second Monday in

January. If anyone you know has turned 20 over the past year, celebrate with them. According to

Japanese tradition,they are now old enough to take their place in society as an adult. Germany

Oktoberfest. It is a sixteen-day festival held each year in Munich,during late September to early

October.It is a beer drinking festival and people can also eat traditional food, such as chicken, roast

pork, sausages,cheese noodles,potato pancakes,red cabbage, India Diwali.It is a 5-day Hindu festival,

which takes place on the fifteenth day of Kartika (印度历的8月)every year, Lamps,lights and

candles are lit as a greeting to Goddess (女神) Laksmi. Presents are exchanged and candy,meals are

prepared during Diwali. Thailand Songkran Festival.

        Songkran Festival Day is a Thai traditional New Year which starts on April 13th every year and

lasts (持续) for 3  days. Songkran Festival on April  13th is Maha Songkran Day or the day to mark

the end of the old year. April 14th is Wan Nao which is the day after and April 15th is Wan Thaloeng

Sok which the New Year begins. At this time,people from the countries who are working in the city

usually return home to celebrate the festival.

根据表格内容,选择正确答案 。

1. Which of the following festivals lasts the longest?   

A. Adults Day.    

B. Oktoberfest.    

C. Diwali.    

D. Songkran Festival Day.

2. In Japan, Adults Day is celebrated for people aged         .  





3. Where is Songkran Festival Day celebrated?    

A. In Japan.                

B. In Cermany.      

C. In India.                

D. In Thailand.

4. Why do people light lamps,lights and candles during Diwali?      

A. To greet Coddess Laksmi.      

B. To welcome the coming year.      

C. To celebrate the harvest.      

D. To mark the end of the old year.
