问题 单项选择题

"You are not here to tell me what to do. You are here to tell me why I have done what I have already decided to do," Montagu Norman, the Bank of England’s longest-serving governor (1920-1944), is reputed to have once told his economic adviser. Today, thankfully, central banks aim to be more transparent in their decision making, as well as more rational. But achieving either of these things is not always easy. With the most laudable of intentions, the Federal Reserve, America’s central bank, may be about to take a step that could backfire.

Unlike the Fed, many other central banks have long declared explicit inflation targets and then set interest rates to try to meet these. Some economists have argued that the Fed should do the same. With Alan Greenspan, the Fed’s much-respected chairman, due to retire next year—after a mere 18 years in the job—some Fed officials want to adopt a target, presumably to maintain the central bank’s credibility in the scary new post-Greenspan era. The Fed discussed such a target at its February meeting, according to minutes published this week. This sounds encouraging. However, the Fed is considering the idea just when some other central banks are beginning to question whether strict inflation targeting really works.

At present central banks focus almost exclusively on consumer-price indices. On this measure Mr. Greenspan can boast that inflation remains under control. But some central bankers now argue that the prices of assets, such as houses and shares, should also somehow be taken into account. A broad price index for America which includes house prices is currently running at 5.5%, its fastest pace since 1982. Inflation has simply taken a different form.

Should central banks also try to curb increases in such asset prices Mr. Greenspan continues to insist that monetary policy should not be used to prick asset-price bubbles. Identifying bubbles is difficult, except in retrospect, he says, and interest rates are a blunt weapon: an increase big enough to halt rising prices could trigger a recession. It is better, he says, to wait for a housing or stock market bubble to burst and then to cushion the economy by cutting interest rates—as he did in 2001-2002.

And yet the risk is not just that asset prices can go swiftly into reverse. As with traditional inflation, surging asset prices also distort price signals and so can cause a misallocation of resources—encouraging too little saving, for example, or too much investment in housing. Surging house prices may therefore argue for higher interest rates than conventional inflation would demand. In other words, strict inflation targeting—the fad of the 1990s—is too crude.

We can learn from the third paragraph that()

A. increases in asset prices are interfered by the Federal Reserves

B. more emphasis should be placed on consumer-price indices

C. changes have taken place in the pattern of inflation

D. inflation have been brought under federal control




[考点解析] 本题是一道细节题,测试考生对原文中重点句子的理解和把握能力。本题的答案信息来源于第三段的末句,该句的大意是:“通货膨胀呈现出不同的形式”。由此句可以推断出本题的正确选项应该是C“changes have taken place in the pattern of inflation”(通货膨胀的形式发生了变化)。



材料一 “父子君臣,天下之定理,无所选于天地之间。”


材料二 五四运动前,陈独秀说:“君主也是一种偶像,他本身并没有什么神圣出奇的作用;全靠众人迷信他,尊崇他,才能够号令全国,称作元首;一旦亡了国,像此时清朝皇帝溥仪,俄罗斯皇帝尼古拉斯二世,比寻常人还要可怜。这等亡国的君主,好像一座泥塑木雕的偶像抛在粪缸里,看他到底有什么神奇出众的地方呢?”


材料三 “皇帝,该算是至高无上、神圣不可侵犯的了。如今都可以被打倒,那么,还有什么陈腐的东西不可以怀疑、不可以打破?思想的闸门一经打开,这股思想解放的洪流就奔腾向前,不可阻挡了。尽管辛亥革命后,一时看来政治形势还十分险恶,但人们又大胆地寻求新的救中国的出路了,再加上十月革命炮声一响和中国工人阶级力量的发展,不久便迎来了五四运动,开始了中国历史的新纪元。从这个意义上可以说:没有辛亥革命,就没有五四运动。”


① 据材料一、二分析,指出辛亥革命前后中国人对皇帝的看法,发生了什么变化。(4分)

② 依据材料三分析说明,为什么说“没有辛亥革命就没有五四运动”?(3分)

