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第1-5题是他们拟定的采访话题。阅读下面刊登在Entrepreneur (《企业家》)杂志上6位企业家的成功感
( )1. Bryan: What comes first, the customer or the profit?
( )2. Olga: How important is an entrepreneur’s  ambition to his/her company’s growth?
( )3. Scott: How does an entrepreneur make use of his/her advantages?
( )4. Anna: Why do successful entrepreneurs seem to enjoy their work?
( )5. David: What attitude should an entrepreneur have toward his/her social responsibilities?
Sheri Poe
Ryka Inc.
     Since I started this company in my kitchen
seven years ago. I always dreamt of what it
would be some day. Focusing on that goal helps
me get through tough times. To get the kind of
success that you want, you need to dream big.
That's the starting point, Every success story
begins with big dreams. You need to have big
dreams for yourself, like being somebody rich,
famous or fulfilled .You need to have a clear
goal of what you want to achieve.
     Also, I think it's really important that the
people you're working with are as committed to
the same goal as you are, so you can support
each other and keep each other energetic.
Anita Roddick
The Body Shop Inc.
     In America, we have a shop in Harlem where
50 percent of the profits go into the community
development, and the other 50 percent go toward
the funding of a similar shop elsewhere in the United
States. The pride that shop brings to the staff and
local people inspired me.
     What The Body Shop does successfully is use
our facilities in the street and shopping centers to talk
about real human issues like AIDS. recycling, human
rights, and community service or to encourage  people
to speak out against anything they consider to be unjust.
Knowing our products are symbols of social change is
really encouraging.
Ben Cohen
Ben &Jerry’s Homemade Inc.
     I'm energized by the people I work with.
I'm very relationship-driven, which a think is
different from most entrepreneurs. I’m  inspired
by doing things that are not normal and that most
people think don't fit into the business world or
don't make any sense.
     In business, you are judged by the company
you keep—from your management team, board
of directors, and strategic partners. Maybe the
lady you met in a trade association meeting can
help you secure funding, or the gentleman at a
conference can provide you with management
Richard Melman
Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises
     A number of years ago, I was interviewed by
someone who was writing a book on enterprises.
He asked me. "What's the opposite of work?" I
answered. "Lazy" He started laughing and said,
"Believe it or not, a lot of entrepreneurs say the
same thing."
     The average person thinks the opposite of work
is play, but to an entrepreneur, work is play. I think
it all adds up to having fun. It’s fun to create; it's
fun to entertain, and it's fun to make people happy
with our service. When it stops being fun. I'll stop
doing it.
Frank Toskan
Make-Up Art Cosmetics(M.A.C)
     One of the nicest things anyone ever said
to me was, "I hate makeup, but I love M.A.C."
That's what moves me on. Even people who
don't wear makeup can appreciate our company,
what it stands for, its values, and the way we
do business.
     We work from an inverted pyramid, where
the customers are always at the top, Our
customers inspire me and keep me going. They
and our staff, not money, make me enthusiastic.
If I had stayed in this business just for the money,
I would have closed down years ago.
Kenneth Cole
Kenneth Cole Productions Inc.
     You can't be everything to everybody. Each
of us has our own strengths and weaknesses.
To be effective, you need to identify your strengths
and concentrate on them, you'll become more
successful if you are able to channel your efforts
to areas that you do best. In business, for example,
if you know you are good at marketing, then give,
I full play. Seek help or assistance in areas that you
may be poor at, such as accounting or bookkeeping.
To turn your weakness into strength, consider taking
hands-on learning or training.