问题 单项选择题

2011年4月1日,甲公司与孙某订立一了1年期劳动合同,双方约定了试用期,试用期满月工资为1200元,甲公司所在地的最低月工资标准为1000元。根据劳动合同法律制度的规定,下列表述中,符合规定的是( )。




解析: (1)选项A:劳动合同期限1年以上不满3年的,试用期不得超过2个月;(2)选项B:试用期包含在劳动合同期限内;(3)选项C:劳动者在试用期的工资不得低于本单位相同岗位最低档工资或者劳动合同约定工资的80%,并不得低于用人单位所在地的最低工资标准,在本题中,孙某在试用期内的月工资不得低于1000元;(4)选项D:在试用期内,劳动者患病或者非因工负伤,只有“在规定的医疗期满后不能从事原工作,也不能从事由用人单位另行安排的工作的”情况下,用人单位才可以解除劳动合同,但应当向劳动者说明理由。


Of all living creatures on earth, insects are the most plentiful. Some  36  are very useful to man, for example, bees,  37  we get honey and wax, and silkworms, which  38  us with silk. Other varieties, 39 , are extremely harmful, and do a great  40  of damage, especially to crops. Locusts (蝗虫) are perhaps the most dangerous of all,  41  they will eat almost any green  42  , and when millions of them  43  on cultivated land(耕地)they soon leave it  44 . In some countries they are the farmer’s  45  enemy. Another nuisance is the common  46  , not only because it  47  us indoors and out - of- doors, but because it spreads diseases.

  Scientists have given much time and  48  to the study of insects. It needs the most careful and  49  observation. Thanks  50  their discoveries we now know almost all 51 is to be known about the habits of these hardworking insects, bees and ants, which live in 52 better planned in some ways than our  53  . But the most valuable work has been done in trying to give  54  to men, animals and crops from the  55  which insects cause.

  36.A. members  B. forms  C. qualities  D. varieties

  37.A. by which  B. from which  C. of which  D. in which

  38.A. give  B. produce  C. offer  D. supply

  39.A. however  B. meanwhile C. therefore  D. what's more

  40.A. majority  B. number  C. amount  D. quantity

  41.A. and  B. for  C. if  D. when

  42.A. grass  B. field  C. fruit  D. plant

  43.A. settle  B. attack  C. pass  D. cross

  44.A. bare  B. nothing  C. empty  D. untouched

  45.A. hardest  B. greatest  C. serious  D. wildest

  46.A. insect  B. creature  C. fly  D. enemy

  47.A. dislikes  B. bites  C. worries  D. hates

  48.A. understanding  B. ideas  C. comprehension  D. thought

  49.A. serious  B. patient  C. curious  D. long

  50.A. for  B. of  C. to  D. with

  51.A. that  B. which  C. there  D. what

  52.A. societies  B. crowds C. teams  D. organizations

  53.A. world  B. nation  C. selves  D. own

  54.A. help  B. protection  C. living  D. defense

  55.A. injury  B. wound  C. sickness  D. ruin