公安机关经审查认为有犯罪事实需要追究刑事责任的,应当立案;认为没有犯罪事实或者犯罪事实显著轻微,不需要追究刑事责任的,不予立案。 ( )
Proportionally, more persons diagnosed as having the brain disorder schizophrenia were born in the winter months than at any other time of year. A recent study suggests that the cause may have been the nutrient-poor diets of some expectant mothers during the coldest months of the year, when it was hardest for people to get, or afford, a variety of fresh foods. Which of the following, if true, helps to support the conclusion presented above
A.Over the years the number of cases of schizophrenia has not shown a correlation with degree of economic distress.
B.Most of the development of brain areas affected in schizophrenia occurs during the last month of the mother’s pregnancy.
C.Suicide rates are significantly higher in winter than in any other season.
D.The nutrients in fresh foods have the same effects on the development of the brain as do the nutrients in preserved foods.
E.(E) A sizable proportion of the patients involved in the study have a history of schizophrenia in the family.