问题 单项选择题


A. 保证人民充分行使当家作主的权利,维护人民当家作主的地位

B. 依法打击敌视和破坏社会主义的敌对分子,维护社会稳定

C. 维护宪法和法律在国家政治、经济和社会生活中的权威

D. 确保国家各项工作有法可依,依法行政



解析:本题考查的是邓 * * 理论概论有关社会主义民主和法制的试题,主要考查考生对依法治国这一治国基本方略的了解。我国是一个社会主义国家,社会主义民主政治是社会主义的基本特征。社会主义民主政治的本质是人民当家作主,一切权力属于人民。我们在民主和法制建设中的所有工作都是为了体现这个本质,服务于这个根本目的的。依法治国是党领导人民治理国家的基本方略,其根本目的在于保证人民行使当家作主的权利,维护人民当家作主的地位,因此A项是正确答案。维护宪法和法律的权威、依法打击敌对分子,维护社会稳定、确保国家各项工作依法行政,都是民主法制中所采取的具体措施与步骤,它们都应服务于人民当家作主的本质与目的。故B、C、D是本题干扰项。这个题把依法治国和社会主义民主政治的本质联系起来,考查对二者关系的理解,有一定新意,值得考生注意。

     It's never easy to admit (承认)you are in the wrong. We all 1 to know the art of apology ( 道歉). Think how often you've done wrong. Then count how many   2   you've expressed clearly you were 3 . You can't go to bed with an easy mind if you do   4  about it.    
     A doctor friend, Mr. Lied, told me about a man who came to him with different kinds of signs: headaches, heart trouble and insomnia (失眠症).  5  some careful exams, Mr. Lied found nothing wrong with him and said, “If you don't tell me what's 6  you, I can't help you.”    
The man admitted he was cheating (骗取)his brother of his inheritance (遗产). Then and there the clever
doctor   7 the man write to his brother and  8  his money. As soon as the letter was put into the post box,
the man suddenly cried. “Thank you,” he said to the doctor, “I think I've got well.”    
     An apology can not only save a broken relationship (关系), but also make it  9  .If you can think of
someone who should be 10  an apology from you, do something about it right now.
( )1. A. decide
( )2. A. mistakes
( )3. A. sorry
( )4. A. something
( )5. A. Before
( )6. A. hurting
( )7. A. made
( )8. A. gave
( )9. A. newer
( )10.A. received

B. have
B. people
B. weak
B. anything
B. After
B. changing
B. helped
B. kept
B. worse
B. give

C. need
C. ways
C. sad
C. nothing
C. Till
C. touching
C. let
C. returned
C. harder
C. known

D. try        
D. times      
D. wrong      
D. everything  
D. Since      
D. worrying    
D. saw        
D. paid        
D. stronger    
D. forgotten  
