问题 问答题

四)背景资料 某市政工程公司承建城市主干道改造工程标段,合同金额为9800万元,工程主要内容为:主线高架桥梁、匝道桥梁、挡土墙及引道,如图4-1所示。桥梁基础采用钻孔灌注桩:上部结构为预应力混凝土连续箱梁,采用满堂支架法现浇施工;边防撞护栏为钢筋混凝土结构。

 施工期间发生如下事件: 事件一:在工程开工前,项目部会同监理工程师,根据CJJ2-2008《城市桥梁工程施工与质量验收规范》等确定和划分了本工程的单位工程(子单位工程)、分部分项工程及检验批。 事件二:项目部进场后配备了专职安全管理人员,并为承重支模架编制了专项安全应急预案,应急预案的主要内容有:事故类型和危害程度分析、应急处置基本原则、预防与预警、应急处置等。 事件三:在施工安排时,项目部认为主线与匝道交叉部位及交叉口以东主线和匝道并行部位是本工程的施工重点,主要施工内容有:匝道基础及下部结构、匝道上部结构、主线基础及下部结构(含B匝道BZ墩)、主线上部结构。在施工期间需要多次组织交通导行,因此必须确定合理的施工顺序。项目部经仔细分析确认施工顺序如图4-2所示。

 另外项目部配制了边防撞护栏定型组合钢模板,每次可浇筑边防撞护栏长度200米,每四天可可周转一次,在上部结构基本完成后开始施工边防撞护栏,直至施工完成。 问题






It looks unlikely that medical science will abolish the process of ageing. But it no longer looks impossible.
"In the long run," as John Maynard Keynes observed, "we are all dead." True. But can the short run be elongatedin a way that makes the long run longer And if so, how, and at what cost People have dreamt of immorality since ancient times. Now, with the growth of biological knowledge that has marked the past few decades, a few researchers believe it might be within reach.
To think about the question, it is important to understand why organisms — people included —age in the first place. People are like machines, they wear out. That much is obvious. However, a machine can always be repaired. A good mechanic with a stock of spare parts can keep it going indefinitely. Eventually, no part of the original may remain, but it still carries on, like Lincoln’s famous axe that had three new handles and two new blades.
The question, of course, is whether the machine is worth repairing. It is here that people and nature disagree. Or, to put it slightly differently, two bits of nature disagree with each other. From the individual’s point of view, survival is an imperative. A fear of death is a sensible evolved response and, since ageing is a sure way of dying, it is no surprise that people want to stop it in its tracks. Moreover, even the appearance of ageing can be harmful. It reduces the range of potential sexual partners who find you attractive and thus, again, curbs your reproduction.
The paradox is that the individual’s evolved desire not to age is opposed by another evolutionary force, the disposable soma. The soma is all of a body’s cells apart from the sex cells. The soma’s role is to get those sex cells, and thus the organism’s genes, into the next generation. If the soma is a chicken, then it really is just an egg’s way of making another egg. And if evolutionary logic requires the soma to age and die in order for this to happen, so be it. Which is a pity, for evolutionary logic does, indeed, seem to require that.
The argument is this. All organisms are going to die of something eventually. That something may be an accident, a fight, a disease or an encounter with a hungry predator. There is thus a premium on reproducing early rather than conserving resources for a future that may never come. The reason why repairs are not perfect is that they are costly and resources invested in them might be used for reproduction instead. Often, therefore, the body’s mechanics prefer lash-ups to complete rebuilds — or simply do not bother with the job at all. And if that is so, the place to start looking for longer life is in the repair shop.

Why does the author mention Lincoln’s axe

A.( To tell people that a simple tool can be repaired thoroughly

B.( To make people realize that immortality is not possible

C.( To illustrate the fact that the prospect of growing old is intolerable

D.( To suggest an anti-ageing approach that will reproduce itself
