问题 多项选择题



参考答案:These two line graphs show us the increasing worldwide demand for water supply and the future prospect of global water supply in more than two decades from now on.
From the water use graph, we can see that since AI00 the amount of fresh water used has increased more than six-fold. Agriculture is by far the largest consumer of water, and two-thirds of all the water consumed in the world goes to farming. On the contrary, the water availability graph shows a steady decline of global water supply. Today, there is about F,H00 ms of water available per person on a yearly basis. But if current trends continue, only D,H00 ms will be available in B0BE.
Through the above analysis we can safely come to the conclusion that if man doesn’t take measures to reduce water use, there will be a global water stress in the near future. It’s high time for the world to save this precious resource.

解析:[文章点评] 本文开篇先概括两张线型图反映出总的趋势,然后再导入数据进行描述和分析。在引用数据时,作者并没有面面俱到,而是抓住几点最关键的信息——需求量的平均水平变化,及最大的消费者,以及到2025年预期供给量下降的程度——分析最突出的特征。最后作者根据题目要求,分析了人类未来可能面临的问题。文章把握信息准确,描写重点突出。上下文过渡自然,连贯性好。
