问题 单项选择题








解析:《行诉解释》第20条规定:行政机关组建并赋予行政管理职能但不具有独立承担法律责任能力的机构,以自己的名义作出具体行政行为,当事人不服提起诉讼的,应当以组建该机构的行政机关为被告。所以A项正确,不应选。   行政机关的内设机构或者派出机构在没有法律、法规或者规章授权的情况下,以自己的名义作出具体行政行为;当事人不服提起诉讼的,应当以该行政机关为被告。所以B项正确,不能选,而C项错误,应选   法律、法规或者规章授权行使行政职权的行政机关内设机构、派出机构或者其他组织,超出法定授权范围实施行政行为,当事人不服提起诉讼的,应当以实施该行为的机构或者组织为被告。所以D项正确,不能选。


The following two questions are based on the following passage:

The Southfork Steel Company is in trouble. Since 1960 it has made guaranteed payments to retirees out of a pension fund paid into by current employees as a percentage of their salaries. The restructuring of the Southfork workforce, however, has meant that fewer employees are now needed to produce the same amount of work as in the days of the retired employees. Since current employees are unwilling to pay a larger percentage of their salaries into the pension system than their predecessors did, the pension fund will inevitably go bankrupt.

Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the conclusion in the passage that the pension fund will inevitably go bankrupt ?()

A. The pension fund is invested in a conservative portfolio of bonds and money market funds that perform, on average, slightly better than inflation.

B. Financial analysts have determined that, with current levels of payments into and out of the plan, the pension fund will remain solvent for at least another seven years.

C. If the company is bought or goes out of business, the payments to retirees from the pension funds are likely to become subject to arbitration by either the new owners or the bankruptcy trustees, in which case the "guaranteed" payments could be readjusted to lower levels, or possibly terminated.

D. The restructuring of the workforce has dramatically increased the efficiency of steel production at Southfork, resulting in substantially higher revenues per employee than in the past, and consequently much higher salaries.

E. Although the modern era is referred to as a "postindustrial" age, the worldwide demand for steel has never been higher.