问题 多项选择题

Passage 2


参考答案:Upholding the principle of "honesty, standardization and innovation", our company has established a pattern of steady growth. Our company has attached great importance to team work and scored great achievement with highest efficiency, best performance and standard operation. Being honest to every client, we have done profound study on the market and improved our service and finally formed prudent working style inside the company and good image outside.
Our achievements are mainly attributable to the following three points. First, since the founding of our company, we have been learning managing experience from abroad. Under the guidance of managing principles which are current practices throughout the world, we have stipulated specific managing regulations. Second, tracing the latest trends of the market, our company has developed new mode of making profits. Third, by listening to the clients’ new requirements over and again, our company has been making new and stable increases in our business.


单项选择题 A2型题

案情:被告人:刘某某,男,26岁,某车辆厂工人。 犯罪嫌疑人:于某,男,21岁,某车辆厂司机。 刘某某,偷盗成性,2001年元月某日晚在北大学生宿舍伺机行窃,被保安人员发现后,带到派出所询问,刘某某拒不说明其姓名、住址、职业、籍贯等情况,派出所即对其先行拘留。夜间,刘某某乘看守人员不备,逃离派出所。 第二天晚上,刘某某约好友于某出去玩,在路上截住一辆“面的”,声称要去上地村,当车行至行人稀少处时,刘某某操起一把小锤,猛砸司机的手腕,并将司机推倒在车下,让于某开车,企图逃走。司机呼救,于某发现后面有人追来,弃车逃走,刘某某、于某均被群众抓获。经医院检查,“面的”司机的腿被打断。 公安机关以刘某某、于某共同抢劫罪,移送起诉,检察机关在收到移送审查起诉的案件材料之日起第三天告知犯罪嫌疑人有权委托辩护人,辩护律师查阅了诉讼文书、医生鉴定材料,并直接找到“面的”司机搜集有关犯罪嫌疑人的情况。 人民检察院审查移送起诉意见后,对刘某某以抢劫罪提出公诉,对于某作出不起诉决定,一审法院经过审理判决刘某某有期徒刑3年。“面的”司机认为量刑较轻,在判决生效前向人民法院递交了请求抗诉状。 问题:
