问题 单项选择题

执行如下语句: a=InputBox("Today","Tomorrow","Yesterday",,,"Day before yesterday",5) 将显示一个对话框,在对话框的输入区中显示的信息是______。




D.Day before yesterday



解析:[评析] InputBox函数的功能是显示一个对话框,该对话框能接收用户输入的数据。 语法 InputBox(prompt[,title][,default][,xpos][,ypos][,helpfile,context]) InputBox函数的语法具有以下几个命名参数: 部分 描述 Prompt 必需的。作为对话框消息出现的字符串表达式。prompt的最大长度大约是1024个字符,由所用字符的宽度决定。如果prompt包含多个行,则可在各行之间用回车符(Chr(13))、换行符(Chr(10))或回车换行符的组合(Chr(13)& Chr(10))来分隔。 Title 可选的。显示对话框标题栏中的字符串表达式。如果省略title,则把应用程序名放入标题栏中。 Default 可选的。显示文本框中的字符串表达式,在没有其他输入时作为缺省值。如果省略default,则文本框为空。 Xpos 可选的。数值表达式,成对出现,指定对话框的左边与屏幕左边的水平距离。如果省略xpos,则对话框会在水平方向居中。 Ypos 可选的。数值表达式,成对出现,指定对话框的上边与屏幕上边的距离。如果省略ypos,则对话框被放置在屏幕垂直方向距下边大约三分之一的位置。 Helpfile 可选的。字符串表达式,识别帮助文件,用该文件为对话框提供上下文相关的帮助。如果已提供helpfile,则也必须提供context。 Context 可选的。数值表达式,由帮助文件的作者指定给某个帮助主题的帮助上下文编号。如果已提供context,则也必须要提供helpfile。

单项选择题 B型题

Americans have a great love for informality and nowhere is this better expressed than in their love for nicknames (昵称,绰号). Upon greeting strangers for the first time they will quickly introduce themselves by their nickname. These are shortened forms of their given name at birth and reflect the casual relationships which exist among friends and coworkers. Family names are hardly ever used in daily situations and the use of one’s father’s last name is saved only for rare and formal occasions.
In many traditional cultures the use of the family name is seen as a sign of respect. For Americans, however, it’s the nickname which creates an immediate intimacy between two people upon which to build a relationship. By speaking to another on a first name basis and using his nickname, walls are immediately torn down and equality between two people is established.
At work bosses will refer to their employees by their nicknames. Should an employer use a worker’s family name, you can be sure that some kind of correction or serious business will follow.
This love for nicknames can create a sense of closeness between people who are otherwise not related. Even the presidents of the United States have borne nicknames. Abraham Lincoln was known as Honest Abe. John F. Kennedy was known as Jack or JFK and William Clinton has no reservations in letting people know he prefers to be called Bill, but those who look upon him with disfavor may call him Slick Willy.
Not only people but cities often carry their own nicknames. Chicago is called the "Windy City" because of the p winds which come down from Canada throughout the year. New York City is considered the "Big Apple" for reasons which are still obscure to most people including many New Yorkers.
Not every nickname, however, is positive and some can be rather rude and insulting. If someone should demonstrate a certain negative characteristic, a label will soon be attached to describe that person in an unpleasant way.
Likewise a person’s physical traits which are very dominant may lead to nicknames but not necessarily to one’s liking or choice. A nickname, therefore, is a way of identifying or describing someone or something for better or worse.

Americans tend to use others’ family names ______.

A. on formal occasions
B. when writing letters
C. in the work place
D. when making phone calls