问题 问答题

4.甲公司20×8年发生的部分交易事项如下:(1)20×8年4月1日,甲公司对9名高管人员每人授予20万份甲公司认股权证,每人对应的每份期权有权在20×9年2月1日按每股10元的价格购买1股甲公司股票。授予日股票每股市价10.5元,每份认股权证公允价值为2元。甲公司股票20×8年平均市价为10.8元,20×8年4月1日至12月31日平均市价为12元。(2)20×8年7月1日,甲公司发行5年期可转换公司债券100万份,每份面值100元,票面年利率5%,利息于每年6月30日支付(第一次支付在20×9年6月30日)。每份债券的面值换5股股票的比例将债权转换为甲公司普通股股票。已知不附转股权的市场利率8%。(3)20×8年9月10日,甲公司以每股6元自公开市场购入100万股乙公司股票,另支付手续费8万元,取得时乙公司已宣告按照每股0.1元发放上年度现金股利。甲公司将取得的乙公司股票分类为可供出售金融资产。有关现金股利已经收到。20×8年12月31日,乙公司股票每股7.5元。(4)甲公司发行在外普通股均为1000万股。20×8年1月31日,未分配利润转增股本1000万股,甲公司20×8年归属于普通股股东的净利润为5000万元,20×7年归属于普通股股东的净利润为4000万元。其他资料:(P/A,5%,5)=4.3295; (P/A,8%,5)=3.9927;(P/F,5%,5)=0.7835;(P/F,8%,5)=0.6806不考虑所得税等相关税费以及其他因素影响。要求:



参考答案:20×8年9月10日购买时, 借:可供出售金融资产——成本 598(6×100+8-0.1×100)   应收股利 10   贷:银行存款 608 实际收到现金股利 借:银行存款 10   贷:应收股利 10 年末发生公允价值变动的金额=7.5×100-598=152(万元),相关分录为: 借:可供出售金融资产——公允价值变动 152   贷:资本公积——其他资本公积 152

     One spring afternoon five years ago, Jimmy Liao was crying in the hall of Taipei's Sherwood Hotel; life
seemed   1  . The people who laughed as they walked past were taking their   2   for granted, just as he   3   
himself. Now, however, he felt   4   -and he couldn't even show his disappointment in his   5  .
     Seeking more personally satisfying   6  , he had just left a successful job as a commercial artist when it
seemed that fate (命运) played a cruel   7   on him. It was at this time that he developed cancer and was   8   
to work. But that moment in the hotel was a turning point for Jimmy. He began to   9   the fact that there is
no such a thing as fate, only  10 . Since then, he has published several imaginative, illustrated (带插图的)
     According to Jimmy, you are  11  you choose to be. You can give up or you can work to be a happier
person. Jimmy realized that, while the world  12  seems unfair, your choice can change your life.
     This idea can be  13  in Jimmy's books, where his characters show the powerlessness they feel  14  making
their choices. The message that goes with Jimmy's drawings, however, is  15 .
     Though the world may make us feel small, we must be  16 . Everything will be all right for us-as it is for the
"small people" in Jimmy's books-if we make choices that are  17  for us.
     In spite of his new  18  and wealth, Jimmy prefers working  19  at home with his wife and daughter. He
spends his mornings drawing. To Jimmy, living a life as he chooses means much more than money and fame
could  20 .
( )1.A. unhappy    
( )2.A. health     
( )3.A. ought to   
( )4.A. ashamed    
( )5.A. crying     
( )6.A. home       
( )7.A. game       
( )8.A. unable     
( )9.A. understand 
( )10.A. failures  
( )11.A. that      
( )12.A. always    
( )13.A. found     
( )14.A. after     
( )15.A. powerful  
( )16.A. great     
( )17.A. scientific
( )18.A. product   
( )19.A. rapidly   
( )20.A. offer     
B. unusual     
B. wealth      
B. had to      
B. disappointed
B. painting    
B. condition   
B. trick       
B. impossible  
B. face        
B. efforts     
B. what        
B. seldom      
B. drawn       
B. about       
B. hopeful     
B. strong      
B. basic       
B. fame        
B. separately  
B. gain        
C. unfair     
C. happiness  
C. needed to  
C. helpless   
C. imagination
C. situation  
C. role       
C. unfit      
C. refuse     
C. choices    
C. which      
C. sometimes  
C. written    
C. with       
C. useful     
C. brave      
C. right      
C. name       
C. slowly     
C. gather     
D. uneasy       
D. illnesses    
D. used to      
D. endless      
D. consideration
D. work         
D. part         
D. difficult    
D. recognize    
D. interests    
D. whoever      
D. usually      
D. accepted     
D. before       
D. successful               
D. equal        
D. simple       
D. job          
D. quietly      
D. earn         