问题 单项选择题

下列有关MVC体系结构的叙述中正确的是( )。

A. Swing胜过AWT的主要优势在于MVC体系结构的普遍使用

B. MVC用户界面存在3个通讯对象:模型、视图和控件

C. MVC其思想是把数据的内容本身和显示方式分离开来

D. 以上说法都正确




     "You will never walk again. You will have to use a wheelchair." I heard his   1   fall heavily on my ears,
numbing my soul. If I had never felt hopeless before, I felt hopeless then.
     The car accident has left me unconscious. When   2   , I found both legs in casts (石膏). While I had
other serious injuries, my   3   were my first concern. Working as a special needs teacher and busy and
active by nature, I couldn't imagine being   4   in a wheelchair.
     Lying in my bed, I wondered how I   5   give my ten-year-old son hope that mom would   6  . He'd been
cheerful on every visit, but I saw   7   in his eyes. He needed the ray of hope that I would not be in a
wheelchair forever.Just maybe, I thought, I could use this experience to teach him what to do when
misfortune    8   .
     It didn't take me long to become   9   with my limited movements and even with the pace the doctors
were willing to go with me. I was determined to learn everything they showed me.
      Every night in my private room, as soon as I knew I wouldn't be   10   or discovered, I would move
myself from the bed to the floor,  11   on to the bed rail (床栏杆) for life, and slowly putting my weight
  12  my feet.After several weeks of such difficult  13 , my strength and confidence continued to   14  .
     It came the time to share my accomplishments with the person most   15   to me.One night, when I
heard my son greet the nurses at the station, I  16   myself up.As he opened the door, I took a few small
steps.  17 , he could only watch as I turned and started back to bed.All of the pain, the fear, and the struggle
  18  as I heard the words I had longed to hear,"Mommy, you can walk!"
     I am now able to walk alone, sometimes using a stick.I am able to take public transportation to shop and
visit friends.My life has been blessed with many  19  of which I am proud.But none has ever brought me the
satisfaction and joy  20  by those four little words of my son.
( )1. A. words       
( )2. A. hit         
( )3. A. legs         
( )4. A. placed       
( )5. A. might       
( )6. A. change       
( )7. A. curiosity   
( )8. A. strikes     
( )9. A. familiar     
( )10. A. punished   
( )11. A. falling     
( )12. A. through     
( )13. A. efforts     
( )14. A. appear     
( )15. A. useful     
( )16. A. opened     
( )17. A. Disappointed 
( )18. A. faded       
( )19. A. expectations 
( )20. A. proved     
B. report       
B. awakened     
B. parents     
B. caught       
B. should       
B. recover     
B. surprise     
B. passes       
B. strict       
B. interrupted  
B. setting     
B. in           
B. lessons     
B. survive     
B. important   
B. dressed   
B. Embarrassed  
B. spread     
B. challenges   
B. offered   
C. explanations 
C. asked      
C. activities  
C. carried    
C. could      
C. adjust      
C. fear        
C. continues  
C. discouraged 
C. accepted    
C. holding    
C. at          
C. acts        
C. build      
C. popular    
C. woke        
C. Frightened  
C. backed      
C. achievements 
C. taught      
D. decision                  
D. discovered                
D. surroundings              
D. stuck                     
D. must                      
D. succeed                   
D. puzzle                    
D. remains                   
D. impatient                 
D. protected                 
D. keeping                   
D. on                        
D. hours                     
D. add                       
D. pleasant                  
D. dragged                   
D. Shocked                   
D. sank                      
D. supports                  
D. suggested               