问题 多项选择题

以下不属于个人汽车贷款中对借款人的贷后检查的主要内容包括( )。








解析: 对借款人进行贷后检查的主要内容包括:①借款人是否按期足额归还贷款;②借款人工作单位、收入水平是否发生变化;③借款人的住所、联系电话有无变动;④有无发生可能影响借款人还款能力或还款意愿的突发事件,如卷入重大经济纠分、诉讼或仲裁程序,借款人身体状况恶化或突然死亡等;⑤对于经营类车辆应监测其车辆经营收入的实际情况。

     Do you want to look slim and thin? Then come to read the "golden rules!"
     1. Eat  1 . That means not to have a quick dinner. The key strategy (策略) is to chew (咀嚼) each
mouthful 40 times;
     2. Eat food  2  distractions (分散注意力的事): no television, no  3  the paper, no nervous conversations;
     3. Stop  4  when you feel comfortably full. If you are chewing properly, you will simply not be able to
eat huge meals;
     4. There should be an interval (间歇) of four to five hours  5  two meals-too many snacks make the
digestion (消化)  6  ;
     5. You should remember to  7  breakfast and lunch as your largest meals;
     6. Don't eat too  8  in the evening. For the best, your evening meal should  9  before 6 pm. It should be
small and  10  only easily digested foods, no raw (生的) vegetables or fruit.
( )1. A. quickly  
( )2. A. with    
( )3. A. feeling  
( )4. A. reusing  
( )5. A. between  
( )6. A. better   
( )7. A. give    
( )8. A. early   
( )9. A. take place 
( )10. A. introduce 
B. quietly 
B. having  
B. reading 
B. picking 
B. among  
B. stronger 
B. take   
B. late   
B. take off 
B. spread  
C. slowly  
C. without 
C. listening
C. eating  
C. around  
C. worse  
C. ask   
C. earlier 
C. take to 
C. produce 
D. possibly  
D. in        
D. looking   
D. singing   
D. across    
D. easier    
D. put       
D. later                               
D. take back 
D. include   