Reviewing the initiating processes at the start of each phase ______ . wasteful and should be avoided whenever possible
B.helps to keep the project focused on the business need that the project was undertaken to address
C.helps ensure that the project continues regardless of changes in the business needs
D.helps ensure continuous employment of project team members even if the project is unlikely to satisfy the business need that it was undertaken to address
解析: 在每个阶段的开始重复进行启动过程 ______ 。 A) 是一种浪费, 应该尽可能避免 B) 有助于保证项目集中在其预设的商业需求上 C) 有助于确保项目继续进行而不考虑商业需求的变化 D) 有助于确保继续雇佣项目团队成员, 即使项目不太可能满足其预设的商业需求 在每个阶段重复启动过程, 有助于保证项目集中于其所预期的商业需求上。