问题 单项选择题

It sounds like a science fiction, but researchers say it’s a scientific fact: Microscopic organisms dubbed "killer algae" are paralyzing fish with unknown toxins and then eating away at their flesh. They might be making people sick, too.
The name given to this single-cell organism, or dinoflagellate, is Pfiesteria piscimorte—literally, "fish killer." It was discovered at North Carolina State University in 1988, but at the same time, few scientists believed in its existence, much less in its highly unusual predatory nature. But ongoing research has led to international acknowledgment of the phenomenon and, recently, research funding.
Seemingly prompted by an unknown substance secreted by fish, the aggressive creature swims into action. It sends neurotoxins into the water and air, paralyzing a fish’s nervous system, and causing it to gasp for air at the surface. Eventually the fish suffocates. The killer dinoflagellate then attaches itself to the fish and begins sucking away at its flesh. This macabre scenario may help solve several sea mysteries, such as why fishermen report seeing "fish walks" (fish trying to leave the water) and pools of dead fish with holes eaten through them.
Whether humans are affected by the dinoflagellate’s toxin remains to be seen. Researchers think it’s unlikely eating fresh fish are in danger, but anyone with frequent exposure to the creature could be in peril. Several researchers working with the algae have reported bouts of memory loss and disorientation.
To understand the killer algae further, scientists must fully characterize their toxin and determine what stimulates them to attack. They also need to know if the algae are hurting fish populations, and whether pollutants make them more likely to attack.

It is implied in the passage that ______ .

A.many scientists had known dinoflagellate before 1988

B.there had been no such organisms before 1988

C.many scientists were in doubt about the nature of the organism in 1988

D.no scientists knew anything about the organism in 1988




[分析]: 推断题型 见第二段第二句:It was discovered at North Carolina State University in 1988,but at the same time,few scientists believed in its existence,much less in its highly unusual predatory nature.(1988年在北卡罗莱纳州立大学发现了这种生物,但同时几乎没什么人相信它的存在,更没有人相信它非同寻常的食肉天性(predatory nature)了。)因此C为答案。





  曰:“是何伤哉?彼身织屡,妻辟 ,以易之也。”


  [注释] ①匡章:齐国人。②陈仲子:齐国人,世称陈种、田仲,又称於陵仲子。《淮南子·汜论训》说他“不入污君之朝,不食乱世之食,遂饿而死”。③於陵:齐国地名,在今山东邹平县境。④伯夷:见《公孙丑上》第二章注。这里以伯夷代表廉洁的人。⑤盗跖:春秋末年奴隶起义的领袖,姓展,名跖,因住在鲁国柳下,故又称柳下跖;“盗”是对他的诬称。这里以盗跖代表恶人。⑥盖:齐国地名,是陈戴的食邑。


 ①陈仲子岂不廉士哉。(  )

 ②虽然,仲子能廉?(  )

 ③亦盗跖之所筑与?(  )

 ④兄离母,处于於陵。(  )

(2)下面每组句子中,划线字的意思与用法不同的一组是[ ]





(3)对下列句子的分析,错误的一项是[ ]




