2014年3月1日晚9时20分,10余名统一着装的暴徒蒙面持刀在云南昆明火车站广场、售票厅等处砍杀无辜群众。案件发生后,习 * * * * 高度重视,做出重要批示,要求政法机关迅速组织力量全力侦破案件,依法从严惩处暴恐分子,坚决将其嚣张气焰打下去。要精心做好受伤和遇难群众的救治、善后工作。
Young people should travel not only to find out about the present 31 to find out about the future. A grand tour today should be the opposite of 32 it was in the past. It should not include museums, castles and ruins. It should go 33 human life is, to places that throw you images of the future. It should not be an escape of 34 (real) but a challenge with 35 .
Young people of today should go to the wildest, farthest, poor place they can think of. They should go to the wild places of Asia, Africa, and South America. Young people should go to 36 many such places as they can, 37 these places are closing up and in time they’ll become impossible.
The other area young people should travel 38 ____________ is the same sort of area within their own country, places that are a kind of 39 ____________ (know) land, 40 _______ as the Congo Basin.