基金投资不得涉及关联交易。( )
解析: 基金投资涉及关联交易的,应在相关投资研究报告中特别说明,并报公司相关机构批准。
A client is admitted to the psychiatric unit with a diagnosis of anorexia nervos
a. Although she is 5’7" and weighs only 100 lb, she keeps on telling the nurse about how fat she is. What should the nurse do firstA. Discuss cultural stereotypes regarding thinness and attractiveness.B. Explore the reasons why the client doesn’t eat.C. Teach the client about nutrition, calories, and a balanced diet.D. Establish a trusting relationship with the client.
一棵二叉树第六层(根结点为第一层)的结点数最多为 【1】 个。