问题 单项选择题





解析: 在宋代词坛上,李清照是婉约派的代表作家,但她偶尔也能写出一两首巾帼不让须眉的壮词来。


     Newborn babies, unlike adults, cannot recognize day and night and will take time to adjust to the
24-hour clock. Therefore, the first few weeks of the baby's life go in sleeping for the most of the time in
the day and at night as well. Though infant sleep patterns will be different for each baby, there is a
common pattern that one can observe in the sleeping pattern of little children.
     The infant sleeping patterns can be divided into active sleep and deep sleep. When the baby is put to
sleep, she remains in the active sleep mode for a long time where you can see her frequent body
movements, irregular breathing as well as brief cries. At this stage, the baby can easily wake up as she
isn't fully asleep. However, if she isn't disturbed at this stage, she'll quickly pass into the deep sleep stage. On the other hand, in case of infants, they spend more time in the active stage than in the deep sleep
stage, so they wake up within a short time after going to sleep.
     Babies wake up during the active stage mainly due to hunger. Infants have little tummies (胃) and the
milk they drink gets digested very quickly and therefore, they start feeling hungry within a short period
of time. In addition, they wake up in the sleep because they need warmth or possibly don't receive
sufficient air to breathe.
     Some sleep researchers associate night waking with the infant's survival instincts
(本能). A baby who has learned to sleep in the deep sleep stage for a long time may not be able to
wake up, if she's hungry or even when she's getting suffocated(使窒息). This can be dangerous for the
infant's life, so it can be said that the active sleep stage actually protects the baby.
     Besides, research has found the blood flow to the brain actually doubles up during the active stage
and that the brain is in the act of processing the information it receives during the time when the baby is
awake. Therefore, it can be said that active sleep is important for making the baby's brain develop more
TitleInfant sleep patterns
StagesActive sleep● Babies move their bodies frequently, breathe (1) _____   
or cry briefly.  
● Babies can easily wake up.
Deep sleepBabies spend (2)_____ time in this stage than in the active stage.
3)____        of night waking● Feeling (4)_____ due to little tummies and easily-digested milk.
● Being in (5)_____ of warmth.
● (6)_____ to receive enough air to breathe.
7)  ___    of active sleepSurvival instinctsProtect the baby from causing any (8)_____ like hunger or
to its own well-being.
Speeding up the
baby's brain(9)___

● Double the blood (10)_____ to the brain.
● Provide chances for the brain to process the information received.