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参考答案:每周至少五天,每天参加60分钟以上体育活动的中学青少年比例从2005年的18%增长到了 2010年的30%。与此同时,每天吃水果和蔬菜5次以上的中学青少年比例从21%下降到19%。 在这次会议上,政府官员呼吁与肥胖症问题的斗争需要整个城市采取全方位的措施。解决肥胖 问题不仅需要社区组织、教堂、非赢利机构和企业的参与,也需要各个机构和团体、公园和娱乐 部门积极参与。

The percentage of high school-aged youths who participate in some sort of physical activity for at least 60 minutes for five or more days per week increased from 18 percent in 2005 to 30 percent in 2010. The percentage of high school-aged youths who ate fruits and vegetables five or more times per day decreased from 21 percent to 19 percent in the same period. Officials at the conference said that to battle the problem of obesity, a holistic approach involving the entire city must be undertaken. Every agency and group, parks and recreation, as well as community groups, churches, nonprofits, and businesses, must be involved in tackling obesity.
