参考答案:很多人热爱生活在像伦敦这样充满刺激的大城市。但对有些人来说,这样的生活节奏有些过 快——人们似乎总是又忙碌又紧张。一个名为“伦敦慢生活”的组织希望人们将生活节奏放缓, 从而抽时间放松。也许有一天你能够以步代车去上班。或者在你买报纸时可以和报摊老板闲 聊几句。但首都的生活节奏真的太快了吗 就我而言,我在伦敦工作,但我住在肯特郡的乡村, 所以我能够真切地认识到城市与乡村的生活节奏是多么的不同。
Many people love the excitement of living in a big city such as London. But for others, things happen a bit too fast, people seem busy and stressed all the time. A group called "Slow London" wants everyone to slow down and take some time to relax. Perhaps you could walk to work one day instead of driving. Or when you buy a newspaper, take the time to have a friendly chat with the newsagent. But is life in the capital really too fast Talking about myself, I work in London; I live out in Kent, in the countryside so I really notice how different the pace is from out in the countryside.