问题 单项选择题

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.

A. 10%. B. 20%.
C. 30%.D. 40%.



解析: 16-20
So, is everyone awake I guess that’s a good question at the start of an early-morning lecture about sleep. Seriously, how many of you feel you didn’t get enough sleep last night Raise your hands. Hmrn. About a third of you. That’s interesting, because it shows that you’re not so different from the population in general. About 30% of adults say they frequently don’t feel rested when they wake up in the morning. And why is that Well, in most cases it’s because they stayed up too late partying or watching TV. But in a small percentage of cases, they could be suffering from a sleep disorder, a condition that interferes with a person’s ability to sleep normally. There are many different kinds of sleep disorders but the three that I want to describe today are called sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and insomnia.
OK, the first disorder I listed is sleep apnea. That’s A-P-N-E-A. People with sleep apnea stop breathing, sometimes for 10 seconds or longer. And not just once; it can happen several hundred times a night! Each time this happens, they wake up and go right back to sleep, so their sleep is constantly interrupted, but in the morning they don’t remember waking up. They just feel tired and sleepy.
Then how do you know if you have this problem The usual symptoms are heavy breathing and snoring, combined with feeling tired all the time. The cause of this problem is that air can’t go into and out of the nose or mouth, usually because the throat is too relaxed. Consequently, the treatment is fairly simple, the person wears a soft mask attached to a machine that helps to regulate his or her breathing throughout the night. In extreme cases of apnea, surgery may be necessary.
The second sleep disorder that I want to describe today is called narcolepsy. That’s spelled N- A-R-C-O-L-E-P-S-Y. Perhaps you’ve seen a movie in which people are sitting at a table, eating and talking, and suddenly one person just fails over; perhaps his face falls into his soup. It’s funny in a movie, but in reality this could be a symptom of narcolepsy. Narcoleptic persons get sudden attacks of sleep, in the middle of the day, any time, any place. They can’t control it; they simply fall asleep for brief periods of time. By the way, this disorder appears to be particularly frequent among students enrolled in 8 A. M. classes. But seriously, narcolepsy can be quite scary. The cause is high levels of certain chemicals in the part of the brain that regulates sleep. Once narcolepsy is diagnosed, it’s usually treated successfully with medication.
Sleep apnea and narcolepsy are serious problems, but they are rare conditions. In contrast, the third sleep disorder I want to discuss, insomnia, is quite common. Insomnia means difficulty either falling asleep or staying asleep. Almost everybody has insomnia once in a while. But I want to talk about chronic insomnia, which is when sleeping becomes difficult for weeks, months, or years at a time. The cause could be either psychological or physical. Most often, it’s psychological; that is, it’s caused by stress--you know, worrying about problems at work or at home and so on. Or the cause could be physical, such as too much caffeine or nicotine in the body. Both of these chemicals are stimulants that can keep you from sleeping. Stimulants are substances that make you feel awake and energetic. As I said, coffee and cigarettes are both stimulants.
Now, that brings us to treatments for insomnia. Obviously, if you have trouble sleeping the first thing you should do is avoid coffee, tea, and cigarettes in the evening. You should also avoid alcohol. Many people say that a glass of beer or wine helps them sleep, and that may be true once in a while. But drinking alcohol every night is dangerous because after a while it stops working and, as everyone knows, alcohol is addictive. You should also avoid sleeping pills for the same reason, because they are addictive. These are the things you shouldn’t do if you have insomnia. Now, what should you do
Question No. 16 According to the lecturer, about what percentage of adults say that they often don’t feel rested when they wake up in the morning


案例四    一般资料:求助者,女性,54岁,退休教师。  案例分析:求助者兄弟姐妹多,父亲已多年前去世,自己主动把母亲接回家照顾,其大哥、大姐年龄较大,二哥体弱多病,二姐在国外,三姐照顾怀孕的女儿,因此都没有照顾母亲。求助者为赡养问题与哥哥、姐姐们发生矛盾,自己很生气,也为此很痛苦,主动来进行心理咨询。    下面是心理咨询师与求助者的一段对话:    心理咨询师:你能说说你生气的原因吗?  求助者:我是家里最小的,母亲已经由我照顾多年了,同样是母亲所生,他们怎么就不来照顾照顾呢?我即使能干,照顾母亲也不应该是我一个人的事呀!我说他们,他们不听,为这些事总发生矛盾,搞得关系很紧张。  心理咨询师:是别人不听你的话使你生气吗?  求助者:那当然是,如果他们听我的话,也来照顾母亲,我怎么会生气?  心理咨询师:按你所说,你说话别人就应该听,他们应该听你的话,来照顾母亲。  求助者:是的,我很生气,他们怎么这样不懂事!  心理咨询师:因此你信奉的是一个人讲话,另一个人就应该听。  求助者:对,他应该听。  心理咨询师:因此,别人讲话你肯定听。  求助者:对,……不对,(沉默)好像不是,别人说得对的我都听了,别人说得错我也没听。  心理咨询师:你刚说过一个人讲话,另一个人就应该听,而你又讲了别人说得对的你都听了,别人说得错的你也没听,这似乎有些矛盾,你能解释一下吗?  求助者:(沉默)……我照顾母亲是孝顺,他们也有责任,他们应该听我的。  心理咨询师:按你的意思,你照顾母亲,别人也必须听你的来照顾母亲。  求助者:是的。  心理咨询师:你对母亲怎样,你的哥哥姐姐就应该对你的母亲怎样。  求助者:是的。  心理咨询师:实际上呢?  求助者:(语塞)恰好不是这样,我说了他们不听。  心理咨询师:怎么会你说了而他们不听?  求助者:你的意思是我说了他们,他们也可以不听?  心理咨询师:你说呢?  求助者:(沉默)难道他们真的可以不听?  心理咨询师:你认为你生气是由于你的哥哥姐姐不听你的话,不来照顾你的母亲所造成的。其实别人不来照顾你的母亲只是一个事件,你要求别人必须像你一样来照顾你的母亲这是你的信念。你的信念有的是合理的,有的是不合理的,不同的信念会导致不同的情绪状态。如果你认识到自己现在的情绪是有一些不合理的信念所造成的,通过改变它,你就能控制自己的情绪。  求助者:真会这样么?  心理咨询师:你照顾母亲这件事,别人也可能遇到,但别人不一定像你现在这样子,你说这是怎么回事?  求助者:你是说我和他们不一样么?可我还没看出我要求他们照顾母亲有哪些不合理的地方。  心理咨询师:如果你把一枚硬币抛向天空,落回来时是怎样的?  求助者:当然有两种可能,一种字朝上,一种是徽朝上。  心理咨询师:当你提出要求时,是不是就像把硬币抛向天空一样?  求助者:我好像明白了,本来有两种可能的事,我就要求了一种?  心理咨询师:你对别人提出要求,要求他们必须听你的,这是一种绝对化的要求,一种不合理的信念,如果我们把别人的“要求”变成“希望”,当我们不希望的事发生时,最多是一种失望,不会过分的怨恨别人,自己也就不会生气了。  求助者:你讲的很对。  





