问题 单项选择题

(1) 2010年1月10日发现甲公司于2009年12月10日与乙公司签订的供货合同很可能违约,预计将要发生的损失已满足预计负债的确认条件,但上年年末未作相应会计处理。该合同约定:2010年4月15日甲公司应以每件1800元的价格向乙公司销售A产品150件,如果甲公司不能按时交货,需要向乙公司支付总价款20%的违约金。2009年年末甲公司准备生产A产品时,生产材料价格大幅上涨,预计生产A产品的单位成本为2200元。按税法规定,该项损失实际发生时允许税前扣除。
(2) 2010年1月20日发现甲公司2009年将行政管理部门使用的一项固定资产的折旧费用50万元误记为5万元。
(3) 甲公司与丙公司签订一项供销合同,合同约定甲公司于2009年11月份销售给丙公司一批物资。由于甲公司未能按照合同发货,致使丙公司发生重大损失,丙公司通过法律程序要求甲公司赔偿经济损失550万元。该诉讼案件于12月31日尚未判决,甲公司为此确认400万元的预计负债(按税法规定该项损失实际发生时允许税前扣除)。2010年2月9日,经法院一审判决,甲公司需要赔偿丙公司经济损失500万元,甲公司不再上诉,并于2010年2月15日以银行存款支付了赔偿款。
(4) 2009年12月31日,甲公司应收丁公司账款余额为1500万元,未计提坏账准备。2010年4月2日,丁公司发生火灾造成严重损失,甲公司预计该应收账款的80%将无法收回。甲公司除上述事项外无其他纳税调整事项,不考虑所得税以外的其他相关税费。

下列关于甲公司的会计核算中,不正确的是( )。







解析: 选项B,不调整资产负债表中“货币资金”项目年末数;选项D,2009年12月31日资产负债表中“未分配利润”项目的年末数=36.15+(1850-5.4-45-100-424.90)×90%=1183.38(万元)
借:以前年度损益调整 5.4
贷:预计负债 5.4
借:递延所得税资产 1.35
贷:以前年度损益调整 1.35
借:利润分配——未分配利润 3.65
盈余公积 0.40
贷:以前年度损益调整 4.05
借:以前年度损益调整 45
贷:累计折久 45
借:应交税费——应交所得税 11.25
贷:以前年度损益调整 11.25
借:利润分配——未分配利润 30.37
盈余公积 3.38
贷:以前年度损益调整 33.75
借:以前年度损益调整 100
预计负债 400
贷:其他应付款 500
借:以前年度损益调整 100
贷:递延所得税资产 100
借:应交税费——应交所得税 125
贷:以前年度损益调整 125
借:利润分配——未分配利润 67.5
盈余公积 7.5
贷:以前年度损益调整 75
借:其他应付款 500
贷:银行存款 500


In this section you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with 4 (A, B, C and D) choices to complete the statement. You must choose the one which you think fits best. The time for this section is 75 minutes.

questions 1-5 are based on the following passage.
Non-indigenous (non-native) species of plants and animals arrive by way of two general types of pathways. First, species having origins outside the United States may enter the country and become established either as free-living populations or under human cultivation-for example, in agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, or as pets. Some cultivated species subsequently escape or are released and also become established as free-living populations. Second, species of either US or foreign origin and already within the United States may spread to new locales. Pathways of both types include intentional as well as unintentional species transfers. Rates of species movement driven by human transformations of natural environments as well as by human mobility-through commerce, tourism, and travel-greatly exceed natural rates by comparison. While geographic distributions of species naturally expand or contract over historical time intervals (tens to hundreds of years), species-ranges rarely expand thousands of miles or across physical barriers such as oceans or mountains.
Habitat modification can create conditions favorable to the establishment of non-indigenous species. Soil disturbed in construction and agriculture is open for colonization by non-indigenous weeds, which in turn may provide habitats for the non-indigenous insects that evolved with them. Human-generated changes in fire frequency, grazing intensity, as well as soil stability and nutrient levels similarly facilitate the spread and establishment of non-indigenous plants. When human changes to natural environments span large geographical areas, they effectively create passages for species movement between previously isolated locales. The rapid spread of the Russian wheat aphid to fifteen states in just two years following its 1986 arrival has been attributed in part to the prevalence of alternative host plants that are available when wheat is not. Many of these are non- indigenous grasses recommended for planting on the forty million or more acres enrolled in the US Department of Agriculture Conservation Reserve Program.
A number of factors perplex quantitative evaluation of the relative importance of various entry pathways. Time lags often occur between establishment of non-indigenous species and their detection, and tracing the pathway for a long-established species is difficult. Experts estimate that non-indigenous weeds are usually detected only after having been in the country for thirty years or having spread to at least ten thousand acres. In addition, federal port inspection, although a major source of information on non-indigenous species pathways, especially for agriculture pests, provides data only when such species enter via closely-examined routes. Finally, some comparisons between pathways defy quantitative analysis-for example, which is more "important": the entry path of one very harmful species or one by which many but less harmful species enter the country

Which of the following may best express the chief purpose of the last paragraph

A.To explain the difficulties in tracing the pathways for long-established species.

B.To describe the events usually leading to the detection of a non-indigenous species.

C.To identify the problems in assessing the weight of entry tracks for foreign species

D.To discuss the role of time lags and geographic expansion of species in species detection.
