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参考答案:随着经济的不断发展,社会也在不断的进步,人们的素质都得到了很大的提高。公交车是百姓日常出行的重要交通工具之一,“公交车文明”正在逐步沁入每个公民心中。它是对我们道德素质的考量,体现着我国的国民素质不断的提高。 现在在公交车上,经常看到年轻人给老人让座的情况体现了尊敬老人的中华美德。但是对于上述现象,在我们生活中也确实存在,究其原因可能是由于这位姑娘工作压力大,身体不适,自己也需要座位休息;或者是由于这位老人直接“索要”座位的态度和行为使姑娘心生不满,使原本可以在相互理解沟通的基础上有效解决的问题变得严重化。 从法律上讲年轻人有享有座位的权利;从道德上讲年轻人有向老人让座的义务。年轻人不给老人让座,一定程度上确实有违社会道德准则。但让座是需要建立在相互理解和尊重的基础上,如果老人强行要求让位并做出侵犯他人人身权利的行为本身就是一种不道德的行为。因此,公交车上让座,不应该变为道德绑架,而应该是相互尊重,换位思考,在要求别人让座的同时,反思自己是否也达到了了尊老爱幼的道德标准。 在公交车上,年轻人多一份对老人的关爱,老人对年轻人多一份感谢,相互尊重理解,那么“公交车文明”的精神将会遍及社会的每一个角落。国民文明素质是国家软实力的一部分。一个国家的强大,不仅体现在经济的繁荣和政治的昌,还体现在较高国民文明素质等国家软实力上。国家要在全社会持久、深入地开展宣传教育,使公民的文明行为深入到日常生活中去;完善法律法规;加强政府执法能力建设;提高相关部门公共服务能力等方面来推动我国国民文明素质的进一步提高。


That rapscallion who leaps off the monkey bars, landing smack onto an innocent 3-year-old bystander, and skips off, giggling all the while According to a new paper out of Israel, he may not feel all that bad about the incident. The study, conducted by Dr. In bal Kivenson Bar-On at the University of Haifa, shows that high levels of fearlessness in 3-and 4-year-olds is ply associated with aggression and a lack of sympathy. This news will likely surprise risk-loving America, where parents typically beam with pride when their undaunted child mounts the big slide.

Fearlessness is a far-end point on the spectrum of what psychologists call the "approach and withdrawal dimension"—people’s tendency to approach new stimuli (to gain information and acquire new skills ) and withdraw from unfamiliar stimuli (to avoid danger). Striking the right balance is considered crucial to man’s survival. But what about preschoolers’ There’s a clear downside, Dr. Kivenson Bar-On discovered, after she observed lots of preschool play and machinations. In total, she documented 80 children at preschool, home and in the lab, measuring their propensity for fearlessness and other social and emotional characteristics at the beginning and end of one year. Fearlessness was measured by observing reactions to various fright-inducing situations: separation from parents, the roar of a vacuum cleaner, a jack-in-the-box and the like. Those who displayed greater levels of fearlessness, the study found, had no trouble recognizing facial expressions of anger, surprise, happiness and sadness in other children—but they had a hard time identifying fear.

Over all, they were "emotionally shallow" and showed lower levels of sympathy. They took advantage of friends and lacked regret over inappropriate conduct. "These findings," the paper explains, " suggest that fearlessness in preschool constitutes a clear risk factor for developmental pathways that lead to problems in morality, conscience development, and severe antisocial behaviors. " At the same time, fearless children tended to be highly sociable. "One of the most interesting findings was that we could discriminate between friendliness and sympathy," Dr. Kivenson Bar-On said. "These kids are curious, easygoing and friendly, but they have a hard time recognizing emotional distress in others. "

Jamie Ostrov, a psychology professor at the State University at Buffalo who studies aggression, says that children at the extreme end of the fearless spectrurn "may be charming, but they’re also highly manipulative and deceptive and skilled at getting their way—even at age 3 or 4. " It could be that fearless children need per distress cues to active their autonomic nervous systems, limiting their ability to detect distress cues in others. It seems to be, if I’m not worried about this, you can’t be, either. But should we be

The example of the first paragraph is to()

A. quote the research that the children of high levels of fearlessness are lack of empathy

B. illustrate the children ply associated with aggression and a lack of sympathy exist

C. criticize children in reckless behavior and moral deficiency

D. emphasize the necessity of the research