问题 判断题






材料一 (朱元璋)因考虑到“人主以一身统御天下,不可无辅臣”,遂于是年九月“置四辅官”。要求他们“宜体朕怀,心常格神,行常履道,佐理赞化,以安生民”。——魏千志《明清史概论》

材料二 (明朝)大学士叶向高,言:我朝阁臣,只备论思顾问之职,原非宰相。中有一二权势稍重者,皆上窃君上之威灵,下侵六曹之职掌,终以取祸。臣备员六年,百凡皆奉圣断,分毫不敢欺负。部务尽听主者,分毫不敢与闻。——《明神宗实录》

材料三 “光荣革命”后的一段时间里,国王仍能独立行使行 * * 。……此时的君主立宪政体仍显粗糙。……(汉诺威王朝的)乔治一世和乔治二世来自德意志,不谙英国事务,很少出席内阁会议。时间一长,国王不出席内阁会议便也成了惯例。而且,从1714年之后,乔治一世再也没有否决过内阁会议的决定,事实上放弃了对行 * * 的控制。这样,内阁会议先就大事作出决定,然后提交国王认可。如此,一个对议会负责的内阁政府形成了。——《历史教学研究与资源》










    Scientists recently found three kinds of animals living two smiles at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea

(地中海). Their small bodies have many cells-each about the size of a large sand-but they are animals. The

most exciting thing about these creatures, is that they don't seem to need oxygen to live.

    What biologists know about life so far is that only one-celled (单细胞) animals can live in spaces that have

no oxygen, and those animals who have many cells can visit these places, but cannot live there. These newly-

found creatures could change that idea.

    The animals live in a super-salty lake under the Mediterranean Sea. It may seem strange to think of a lake

under the sea, but the water in the lake is so salty that it cannot mix with the seawater above it, and the water

in the lake is even saltier than normal seawater. Ordinary seawater has oxygen in it-which allows animals like

fish to live-but the water in the lake doesn't have oxygen.

     Finding animals down there is surprising. The scientists at first thought they were the bodies of dead

animals floating (漂浮) into the lake from somewhere else. But later, they found "these dead bodies" appeared

to be alive. Some of these animals had eggs, which suggests they were reproducing (繁殖); and their old skins

suggest that they had lived there long enough to grow. But scientists still don't know how the animals live

without oxygen. More studies are needed, and maybe biologists will need to rethink (重新考虑) what they

know about animals.

1. At the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, the scientists found _____. [ ]

A. many one-celled animals

B. three kinds of living animals

C. some dead animals bodies

D. animals that look like fish

2. What is special about the super-salty lake? [ ]

A. The lake water doesn't mix up with the seawater above.

B. Animals with many cells began to live in the lake.

C. The water in the lake has much more oxygen.

D. The water in the lake has different colours.

3. What can we infer from the text? [ ]

A. The lake under the Mediterranean attracts many visitors.

B. The animals in the super-salty lake catch scientists' attention.

C. One-celled animals may lay eggs to reproduce.

D. More animals can be found in the super-salty lake.