建筑工程质量事故的处理是否达到预期的目的和效果,是否仍留有隐患,应当通过检查鉴定和验收作出确认。( )
1. I think Erin should tell her friend Anna not __________ (be) late for class again.
2. __________ we __________ (need) to buy some more chicken, mom?
3. Don't let the students __________ (do) lots of homework.
4. Could you please __________(bring) your photos to school?
5. Can I borrow some books __________ the library this afternoon?
6. We'd like you __________( play) volleyball with us.
7. All my friends __________ (invite) to the party, but he __________ (not invite) me.
8. Can you see some boys __________ (play) basketball over there?
9. I think they need more time __________ (study) so that they can get good grades.
10. The old man seemed __________ (know) nothing about this accident.
(1)写出图中有标号仪器的名称: a ; b 。
(2)在点燃氢气之前,要先检验 。
(3)写出锌与稀硫酸反应制取氢气的化学方程式: 。
(4)写出氢气在氯气中燃烧的化学方程式: 。该反应的基本类型属于 。