Isabella Travelli, CFA, is a research analyst for Worldwide Investments in Rome, Italy. Travelli was contacted by Seaside Partners of Milan, Italy, a regional brokerage firm, about doing research on companies in the beverage industry on a contract basis. Travelli may only do the contract work:()
A. after receiving consent from both Worldwide and Seaside.
B. if Worldwide has no clients in the same geographic area as Seaside.
C. if Worldwide does not follow the beverage industry.
Standards Ⅳ (A) and Ⅳ (B) require members to obtain written consent from both their employer and the contracting party before undertaking independent practice in competition with their employer. Travelli needs to seek such consent from both entities because it does not appear that she can argue successfully that there is no competition between Worldwide and Seaside. They apparently are both research firms, industry specialization may not prevent competition, and Travelli should be devoting her time and energy to her employment, unless her employer consents to the contract work.