某段材料描述中国古代的某一制度下的官员——“虽无相名,实有相职。既有相职,却无相权。既无相权,却有相责。”这段材料描述的是 [ ]
某段材料描述中国古代的某一制度下的官员——“虽无相名,实有相职。既有相职,却无相权。既无相权,却有相责。”这段材料描述的是 [ ]
Do you remember the name of your kindergarten(幼儿园) teacher? I do. Her name was Mrs White. I don’t remember much about we learned in her class, but my mother once told me that we write a lot. And I would bring back what I wrote and she could see there were so many mistakes. no red corrections. And always a star. Sometimes even a Good! It worried my mother, so one day she went to Mrs White and asked her why she corrected my mistakes. And my mother says Mrs White said “The children are just to get excited about using words, about forming sentences. I don’t want to lose the interests with red ink(墨水). and grammar can wait. The wonder of won’t... ”.Maybe she didn’t say it exactly like that at that moment. And what my mother gave me was the main idea of what she could remember. I now and think Mrs White must have been a rather teacher. She encouraged joy, wonder and excitement — even if our expression of it was . Because she believed a bud(花蕾)once nipped(掐断) never opens. I used to misspell “beautiful” a lot. Never could quite remember that the e went the a. It annoyed my teacher in high school very much. If I was going to use the word so often, she considered the I could do was spell it right. Finally the e’s and a’s were in their right places. Am glad I didn’t wait on them though. Pretty is to spell but it doesn’t hold as much as you mean sometimes. And Mrs White I had no worries about writing what I meant. Because Life isn’t Pretty. It’s Baeutiful.