A busy life can be personally satisfying, but it may make you feel too tired to achieve the inner peace that
will connect you with your true happiness. Begin with simplifying your life and working towards a more
peaceful state of mind.
Recognize the differences between the things you need and the things you want. Our culture provides us
with the message that materials will make our lives better. The reality is that most of these things will
complicate our lives without bringing true happiness. Free yourself-learn to be satisfied with fewer materials
and greater simplicity.
If you let someone else define your life, you're missing the chance to follow your own desires. Your inner
life is weakened when you are limited by conformity. Why do you give up your freedom and allow all of your
decisions to be defined by what others think you "should" do? Think for yourself. Let your passions be your
Life is full of opportunities to earn money, give services. Learn new skills and make new friends. Some of
us want them all and fill up our timetable with all kind of activities. Rushing from one activity to another leaves
you with no time to slow down. No matter how worthy you think your activities are, rethink them. Keep the
ones that are most important and leave out the ones that are adding to the pace of your life with little return.
Life is forever changing, and you will never reach a point of simplicity and endless happiness. But each
moment you spend on the path to simplicity does have the possibility to bring happiness to your life.