问题 选择题

下列词语中没有错别字的一组是 [ ]

A.宫阙 蓝宝石 珠光宝器 攻城踏地

B.貂婵 踩高跷 伏案疾书 额手称庆

C.缴税 捅漏子 各行其是 螳臂当车

D.思辨 订书机 无上光荣 挑肥拣瘦





    The police do many things for us. They help keep us safe. They help keep cars moving safely. They

take care of people who are injured. Then they send these people to the hospital.

    The police go around towns to make sure that everything is all right. They get around towns in many

ways. Some of them walk or go by car. In some big cities, some of the police ride on horses.

    As the police go around towns, they help people. Sometimes they find missing children and take the

children home. If the police see a fight, they put  an  end  to it right away.Sometimes people will ask the

police how to get to a place in towns. The police can always tell the people the way. They know all the

streets and roads well.

     Some police stand at crossings. They tell the cars when to go and when to stop. They make sure

that the cars do not go too fast. They help children and the people who can't walk too well.

    Without the police, our streets would not be safe. Cars might go too fast and have an accident. Lost

people might never be found. The police do a good job. We need them.

1. The police do many things for us. They help keep us ______.

A. warm    

B. clean    

C. quiet    

D. safe

2. How do some of the police get around in some big cities?   

A. They take the taxies.

B. They ride on horses.

C. They take the buses.

D. They ride the bikes.

3. In the passage,  "put an end to" means ______.

A. stop  

B. cut  

C. kill  

D. finish

4. The passage is mainly talking about the ______ of the police.

A. life  

B. help  

C. job  

D. day

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Streets would not be safe if there were no police.

B. Cars might not go too well if there were no police.

C. People might not walk too well if there  were no police

D. Lost people might not be found if there were no police
