问题 单项选择题

The former head of your project office recently fell to his death during a Mount Everest summit attempt. You are the new head of the project office. You are eager to “run the show” because of ongoing confusion in your organization regarding project plans and schedules. Unfortunately, many project managers believe the plan is the schedule. You realize that the plan is much more than a schedule and have decided to issue guidelines concerning items that should compose project plans. Your guidelines state the WBS ______ .

A) does not need to be included in the plan because it would be reflected in the schedule
B) should be included as part of the scope management plan
C) should be developed, but only to the second level
D) should be developed to the level at which control will be exercised



解析: 原项目办公室主管最近在试图登顶珠穆朗玛峰的时候不幸遇难了, 你成了这个办公室的新主管。由于公司的项目计划和进度比较混乱, 所以你迫切地希望马上开始工作。不幸的是, 许多项目经理认为项目计划就是进度表。而你知道计划远远不仅是进度表, 并决定发布包含项目计划在内的数条项目指导方针。你的指导方针指出, 工作分解结构(WBS) ______ 。
A) 不必包含在项目计划里, 因为它会在进度时间表中得到反映
B) 应该作为范围管理计划的一部分
C) 应该进行, 但是只需要分解到第二级水平就可以了
D) 应该分解到可以针对其采取各种控制措施的水平
