Originally, the World-Wide Web was designed as information medium for (71) research teams. A deliberately simple implementation model was chosen to make it as simple as possible for authors to (72) documents to the web, and to (73) these in the sense of updating content. This implementation model is centered around the notion of resources, usually file-base D. For the (74) intended use of the web, resources presented a useful abstraction, as they related to relatively self-contained chunks of information such as research publications and (75) pages. Such chunks of information typically could be set up and maintained independently of other resources, so that resources were the appropriate abstraction for composition and modification.
科研人员乘气球进行科学考察。气球、座舱、压舱物和科研人员的总质量为990 kg。气球在空中停留一段时间后,发现气球漏气而下降,及时堵住。堵住时气球下降速度为1 m/s,且做匀加速运动,4 s内下降了12 m。为使气球安全着陆,向舱外缓慢抛出一定的压舱物。此后发现气球做匀减速运动,下降速度在5分钟内减少3 m/s。若空气阻力和泄漏气体的质量均可忽略,重力加速度g=9.89 m/s2,求抛掉的压舱物的质量。